Offline Projects Directory




when I save a project offline, in which directory does MsProject save it?
Is it save on my local hard drive or it is still on the server ? When the
project is offline is it still an .mpp file?

Thanks for your answer


In my case, it saved it to:

C:\documents and settings\[my user id]\Application Data\Microsoft\MS
Project\[some unique GUID]

So, it is local on your hard drive but I believe the GUID will change each
time. It says it's an MPP. I suspect it's not your usual MPP file as there
is probably additional info stored to support the check in/checkout process.

I'm not sure what you are looking to do, but I think moving the MPP or doing
anything outside of the designed offline/online save process will be prone to
"unexpected behavior". My $0.02.


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