offline-tool with table-like source + handling




I have to build a prototyp for my diploma and need some impulses. Time is
getting close.

I need a tool for inserting data from workstations, that are not connected
with the SQL database. There are some tables, that I want to convert to XML
files and then bind as secondary datasource and one table for the output.
All the converting, ex- and import I can handle in the main-programm (it’s
irrelevant) so the client gets only the infopath template including the
sourcefiles and sends back his form.xml.

Now my problem… the outputtable originally has a employeeID as foreign and
wage-typeID + day as primary keys. Each employee can have many wage types,
the possible employeeID’s come from a secondary datasource.

In the later form the User should select a employee from a combolist and
then insert his data in a repeating table. When he selects another employee,
the form must refresh with the entries corresponding to the new employee or
set blank if there are none.
Is there a way to force infopath to such a functionality?
How I have to design the primary datasource (XML) for such a structure?


Paul Degenkolbe


is there someone who can delete the spampost? - i need help, and this isn't
very helpfull.

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