Hey gang,
Have tried to get some assistance in the Access group with limited success
for formatting, but I need some VBA help in referencing Excel from Access.
All code is in Access. I am looping through a recordset and writing data to
an Excel template. The data is being written down-then-across from column to
column. "A2" is always the starting point and I am using an offset to move to
each column and then move downward to write data.
I am having problems setting the reference to the new cell (activating the
cell) in using Offset and then being able to write data to that cell and
format it appropriately.
Any help, clean-up, suggestions are appreciated!
I've eliminated working code to shorten the post but have kept (and
double-checked) all paired IF, WITH, etc., statements
....Working code before this, dim statements, etc.
Set objWkbk = objExcel.workbooks.Open(stTemplate)
x = 0
y = 1
....working code...
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sSQL)
stCell = "A2"
With objWkbk
.sheets("Sheet1").Name = stSheetName
irow = 2
icolumn = 1
Do While Not rs.EOF
icolumn = icolumn + x
CName = rs("CourtName")
.....series of IF statements to set variables......
With .ActiveSheet
....ERROR on the following line. Msg: Object doesn't support this property or
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, icolumn).Activate
With ActiveCell
.Value = CName
.HorizontalAlignment = xlcenter
.Font.Bold = True
End With
CID = rs("CourtID")
Do While CID = rs("CourtID")
TID = rs("MatchTimeID")
Do While TID = rs("MatchTimeID")
....write data here (once I get the above problem
TID = -1
End With
CID = -1
x = x + 1
End With
Hey gang,
Have tried to get some assistance in the Access group with limited success
for formatting, but I need some VBA help in referencing Excel from Access.
All code is in Access. I am looping through a recordset and writing data to
an Excel template. The data is being written down-then-across from column to
column. "A2" is always the starting point and I am using an offset to move to
each column and then move downward to write data.
I am having problems setting the reference to the new cell (activating the
cell) in using Offset and then being able to write data to that cell and
format it appropriately.
Any help, clean-up, suggestions are appreciated!
I've eliminated working code to shorten the post but have kept (and
double-checked) all paired IF, WITH, etc., statements
....Working code before this, dim statements, etc.
Set objWkbk = objExcel.workbooks.Open(stTemplate)
x = 0
y = 1
....working code...
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sSQL)
stCell = "A2"
With objWkbk
.sheets("Sheet1").Name = stSheetName
irow = 2
icolumn = 1
Do While Not rs.EOF
icolumn = icolumn + x
CName = rs("CourtName")
.....series of IF statements to set variables......
With .ActiveSheet
....ERROR on the following line. Msg: Object doesn't support this property or
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, icolumn).Activate
With ActiveCell
.Value = CName
.HorizontalAlignment = xlcenter
.Font.Bold = True
End With
CID = rs("CourtID")
Do While CID = rs("CourtID")
TID = rs("MatchTimeID")
Do While TID = rs("MatchTimeID")
....write data here (once I get the above problem
TID = -1
End With
CID = -1
x = x + 1
End With