offset function non-contiguous range


Rob Hick

Hi all,

I'm having trouble using the offset function on a non-contiguous
range. I'm using XL200 and the help file says the cells must be
adjacent but browsing round google.groups suggests that it should work
on a non-contiguous range. Which is correct and is there any
alternative to using offset for n-c ranges?

The problem i'm trying to get round is that i want a named formula to
select a range from a set of 62 rows. the dataset is split into
groups of 4 rows and i want to select each of these subgroups
depending on the value (true/false) in another cell. i've done this
using if statements and then appending all the subgroups together
(returning a non-contiguous range). This works fine and i've got a
named formula returning a range for one column, which i'll use as the
xvalues in a chart. I now want to shift this range across one column
to get another set of values to use in the chart as y values. I've
used this system on contiguous ranges but it doesn't seem to work for
n-c ranges.

I could rewrite the named formula for the second column but the
formula is so long i've had to split it into 3 pieces and then append
the 3 separate ranges together in a final named formula. So if i have
to recreate the formula for all my data series (there are 8 of them)
i'll end up with an uncomfortable number of named formulas.

So theres the problem, any help is gladly appreciated.


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