Ofiice license restrictions




I have a question for you. Presently where I work we are
not using an Ms Office product. We are considering
migrating to office 2000 pro (XP is not compatible with
our legacy software). The staff work in teams, one boss
with his/her secretary. If I install office 2000 Pro on
the secrtary's workstation can I also install the same
licence on her boss's laptop. The question is very
straight-forward but the answer seems to be hard to find.
Maybe someone here familiar with MS's license policies can
help me.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.


Thank you for the clarifications.
-----Original Message-----
Nor for volume licenses.

The secretary and the boss are two different people, there fore need 2
licences.the desktop/laptop grant is only for the same person's exclusive
"Daniel" <[email protected]> az alábbiakat írta a következo üzenetben


Don MacDougall

JP said:

I have a question for you. Presently where I work we are
not using an Ms Office product. We are considering
migrating to office 2000 pro (XP is not compatible with
our legacy software). The staff work in teams, one boss
with his/her secretary. If I install office 2000 Pro on
the secrtary's workstation can I also install the same
licence on her boss's laptop. The question is very
straight-forward but the answer seems to be hard to find.
Maybe someone here familiar with MS's license policies can
help me.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Perhaps I am reading too much into your "(XP is not compatible with our
legacy software)". Are you sure you are not confusing Office 2000/Office XP
applications with Windows 2000/Windows XP operating systems?

If you are referring to Windows 2000 operating system, you may want to look



Kim Hill

: Retail license---> can't
: Volume License---> can


On this note, I too have a hypothetical.

A friend rang asking me and I am not sure. They have
Office '97 (patched beyond belief) running over Citrix
for 150 ppl. The Citrix is a mix of Novell and NT.

Next year they are looking to upgrade Citrix to strictly MS.

In doing this, it depletes their budget leaving nothing for
an office upgrade, or new purchases. They also have some
stand alone pc's.

The question is - if my friend knows an IT manager who
purchased 1500 Office 2000 licenses but only used 1000,
is he able to negotiate with the IT manager directly to
purchase some, or all, of the unused (and never to be
used) licenses?

Is that legal?

My guess is no, but I'd like to be able to articulate
to him why etc.



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