Hi, I am not sure what I did but whatever it is I like it because I am almost
there, meaning my form input to a report task is almost done.
Background: Access 2003, Win XP Professional
See other posts for further info such as macros, VB code, etc. etc.
Post titled "Ok, so close, just need a little push to get form inputs
into repo" dated 6/14/05
Post titled "Symbol" dated 6/10/05
Here is where I am at now:
I run the query directly (double click on the query) and get three parameter
boxes. I input the parameters and the query runs just fine.
I run the form directly (double click on the form) and the form opens. I
select from a drop down list (combo box) the OPR. I then go to the start
calendar and select Apr 1, 2003. I go to the end calendar and select May 31,
2005. I click the "OK" command button and nothing happens. The form just
stares at me. I click the "Print Preview" command button and the form goes
away and the report appears but without any data. The only thing on the
report is the header and footer info, no data.
I run the report and the form opens up. I select the OPR form the combo box
drop down list. I then go to the start calendar and select Apr 1, 2003. I go
to the end calendar and select May 31, 2005. I click the "OK" command button
and nothing happens. The form just stares at me. I click the "Print
Preview" command button and the report window appears behind the form but
without the report. I can move the form all around the screen and there is
nothing behind it. I click the "Cancel" command button and the form goes
away and a parameter box appears. I input the requested data and the next
parameter box appears. I input that data and the final parameter box
appears. I input that data and the report appears with the same number of
records I got when I ran the query directly.
This is the closest I have been. I need to get the form to work and I need
to get the report to work better. As always, I truly appreciate all the help
I have been given.
there, meaning my form input to a report task is almost done.
Background: Access 2003, Win XP Professional
See other posts for further info such as macros, VB code, etc. etc.
Post titled "Ok, so close, just need a little push to get form inputs
into repo" dated 6/14/05
Post titled "Symbol" dated 6/10/05
Here is where I am at now:
I run the query directly (double click on the query) and get three parameter
boxes. I input the parameters and the query runs just fine.
I run the form directly (double click on the form) and the form opens. I
select from a drop down list (combo box) the OPR. I then go to the start
calendar and select Apr 1, 2003. I go to the end calendar and select May 31,
2005. I click the "OK" command button and nothing happens. The form just
stares at me. I click the "Print Preview" command button and the form goes
away and the report appears but without any data. The only thing on the
report is the header and footer info, no data.
I run the report and the form opens up. I select the OPR form the combo box
drop down list. I then go to the start calendar and select Apr 1, 2003. I go
to the end calendar and select May 31, 2005. I click the "OK" command button
and nothing happens. The form just stares at me. I click the "Print
Preview" command button and the report window appears behind the form but
without the report. I can move the form all around the screen and there is
nothing behind it. I click the "Cancel" command button and the form goes
away and a parameter box appears. I input the requested data and the next
parameter box appears. I input that data and the final parameter box
appears. I input that data and the report appears with the same number of
records I got when I ran the query directly.
This is the closest I have been. I need to get the form to work and I need
to get the report to work better. As always, I truly appreciate all the help
I have been given.