OH! NOO! FreeFile strange character found



Dear all,

Windows XP W/SP3, Access 2002 W/SP3

I have a .CRC File that I can read with the notepad

Is a large file and I want to extract several strings, the data
contained in this file is something like:

DIR DVD APPZ X\Appz Internet\Web Pictures Downloaders\SurfWare Labs
\Aaron's WebVacuum\Soft V2.50F\Ver\
5f21a584227db00cb5015b5fc244d53f Ver.txt
DIR DVD APPZ X\Appz Internet\Web Pictures Downloaders\SurfWare Labs
\Aaron's WebVacuum\Soft Ver 220FTC\
d067d4dd0a53d369aac1e22190fcf93a AaronsWebVacuum220fTC.exe
deb935ea56773386eb4b4cf34119a63d AaronsWebVacuum220fTC.exe.log
DIR DVD APPZ X\Appz Internet\Windows & Internet Cleaner Pro\Soft\
dcd3a98daf508d5737acd371a1a75380 Desktop.ini
DIR DVD APPZ X\Appz Internet\Windows & Internet Cleaner Pro\Soft\Core\
dd87eda605f6d222c7498f371f9b3158 License.exe
796afdf9c8f453a9b6e29ed097cb2223 Serial.txt
DIR DVD APPZ X\Appz Internet\Windows & Internet Cleaner Pro\Soft\FFF\
d847bec7efb0ccf5f62fe399a543edfa fff-wi36.exe
DIR DVD APPZ X\Appz Internet\Windows & Internet Cleaner Pro\Soft\
f000aa48ab95e348d50cb4ef7823a10a Downloads.txt
fdc5e503ea5e85b06e871e271d89a0c9 Windows-Internet-Cleaner-
c544b8293fe86f3b212b341f573a140c Windows-Internet-Cleaner-
DIR DVD APPZ X\Appz Pocket\mdm\ZINCâ„¢ V2 Pocket PC Edition\
a3f0e26f6756d1061bdfaf3d1873ad09 Downloads.txt
b9b85ce999d91d09ad8c83689ae86c4b Zinc_v2_PPC_trial_setup.exe
8ae75671f5e9d29ab87bbfcfd96240e7 Zinc_v2_PPC_trial_setup.exe.log

My problem begun when I changed my code using FSO, and now I use

First I did extract all the strings that begins with DIR
I am opening a recordset, using .addnew and .update functions.
This all works fine until the string finds

DIR DVD APPZ X\Appz Pocket\mdm\ZINCâ„¢ V2 Pocket PC Edition\

Note: the TM Is the small one of Trade Mark

In the Tb appears:

DIR DVD APPZ X\Appz Pocket\mdm\ZINC"! V2 Pocket PC Edition\

How can I fix it?

Thank you very much in advance
Antonio Macias

This is my code:

Open strDir For Input As #intFF

'Discard the first seven lines of the file
For i = 1 To 7
Line Input #intFF, ReadText
Next i

Do While Not EOF(intFF)
Line Input #intFF, ReadText
MyDirSelection = InStr(1, ReadText, SearchChar, 1)

If MyDirSelection = 1 Then
LenDir = Len(ReadText)
Debug.Print "LenDir= " & LenDir
'DIR Folder\Folder\...
MySearchDirMid = Mid(ReadText, 1, LenDir)
Debug.Print "MySearchDirMid= " & MySearchDirMid
'MyDirResult1 = Trim(MySearchDirMid)
'MyDirResult1 = Trim('" & MySearchDirMid, "'", "''") &
"'" )
'""" & MyReplaceDirFolder & """"
Debug.Print "MyDirResult1= " & MyDirResult1
MyDir = Mid(ReadText, 4, LenDir)
MyDirResult2 = Trim(MyDir)
MyDirRev = InStrRev(MyDirResult2, "\", -1, vbTextCompare)
MyDirLeft = Left(MyDir, MyDirRev)
MyDirTrim = Trim(MyDirLeft)
MyDirResult3 = GetFolder & "\" & MyDirTrim

MyCounterDir = MyCounterDir + 1

'Initialize Variables
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("TempData_Tbl", dbOpenDynaset)

With rs
.AddNew 'Add a new record
!ID = MyCounterDir
!DirHashFiles = MyDirResult1
'!MyDirectories = MyDirResult2
'!MyDirectoryPath = MyDirResult3
.Update 'Write the new record to the table
.Bookmark = .LastModified
End With

End If

Close #intFF
Set db = Nothing

Tom Wickerath



-Ok this could be a solution, the question is why is returning DIR DVD
APPZ X\Appz Pocket\mdm\ZINC"! V2 Pocket PC Edition\ AND NOT DIR DVD
APPZ X\Appz Pocket\mdm\ZINCâ„¢ V2 Pocket PC Edition\?

Thanks in advance
Antonio Macias

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