OHOTFIX disble MSI cancel button



I would like to have the ability to have OHOTFIX display the MSI installation
box without the cancel button. I can turn the box either off or on with the
"MsiUILevel=" line in the OHOTFIX.INI, but I would like the box to be there
so the user knows somthing is happening but not be able to cancel it. If I
run patches manually without OHOTFIX I can get rid of the button. Is this

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

The settings for the Ohotfix.ini file
are listed in the whitepaper available here.
You may want to try the settings for

I would like to have the ability to have OHOTFIX display the MSI installation
box without the cancel button. I can turn the box either off or on with the
"MsiUILevel=" line in the OHOTFIX.INI, but I would like the box to be there
so the user knows somthing is happening but not be able to cancel it. If I
run patches manually without OHOTFIX I can get rid of the button. Is this
possible? >>
Let us know if this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Office 2003 Editions explained



The OHotfixUILevel= controls the status of Ohotfilx display box, which i
have already expiermented with. The MSIUILevel controls the display of the
MSI progress box. If I was to run an MSI by itself I could control the
cancel button on the MSI box.

I would like the use to know that somithing is happening without the ability
t o cancel. Reguardless of how the Ohotfix level is set, the user dosen't
know that the update is running in the background. My goal is to keep the
MSI install box open without the cancel button.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Shankomatic,

The settings listed in that white paper are pretty
much the extent of those supported in the current
version of Ohotfix. You may want to consider running
it by means of a script or 'wrapper' that puts a
custom dialog/progress box on the screen.


The OHotfixUILevel= controls the status of Ohotfilx display box, which i
have already expiermented with. The MSIUILevel controls the display of the
MSI progress box. If I was to run an MSI by itself I could control the
cancel button on the MSI box.

I would like the use to know that somithing is happening without the ability
t o cancel. Reguardless of how the Ohotfix level is set, the user dosen't
know that the update is running in the background. My goal is to keep the
MSI install box open without the cancel button. >>
Let us know if this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Office 2003 Editions explained

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