Ok, a really simple one...


Fred Boer

I have published a form to a shared location. It has worked perfectly.
People have emailed a form back and forth. Not a problem! This program
really is great. It's making me look like a star at work. But I still have
one big question: what is the *exact* way in which you use Infopath offline.

I have a form template on a shared network drive. I understand how a user
double-clicks that template, which opens a form which they can then fill in
and save. They can save it to their own computers or back to the shared
drive. But.... what is the process if they are not on the network. Do they:
a) copy the template to their own computers while they are still on the
network, and then double-click the template on their disconnected computer?
OR b) save a blank unfilled form on their computers, and when they are
disconnected, fill it in, save it with a new name, and then repeat the
process? OR c) Something else???

Thanks so much!



I think that option A is what you want, but the best way to learn is to just
try them both yourself. Buying a book or two on InfoPath probably wouldn't
hurt either ;-)


Fred Boer

Thanks, Steve. I fully intend to buy (ok, maybe get from my library) some
books on Infopath. Thanks for your help! I discovered today (by
experimenting...) that access to the shared folder *is* available over VPN
when users are out of the office - all they need is an internet connection;
the question has become irrelevant.

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