Ok, Lets talk about stationary?



Maybe I just havent tryed to understand it, but creating Stationary, seems a
little difficult. Maybe you can explain some ways to creat our own, to make
onenote easier for ourselfs?
Also, I want to be able to specify the Line Ruleing on my note pages. I've
got it set at college ruled, but thats still a little big for me. I want to
specify my line ruleing myself, I'm not given much choices for that.
Honestly, I want to be able to make a ruleing for 10 point font. So when I
write, I can try better to stay in the lines, then, it'll automatically put
it in between the ruled lines when I hit convert.
Is there an option to force all written ink (when converted) to a specific
size text, when i write large words I get large fonts (Bad, sometimes) I want
to be able to turn it on and off.
I'll write more later.



There are too many misspelled words in your post. The most recurring one is
Stationary in lieu of Stationery. The first is an adjective and means
"unchanging condition or immobile" the latter is a noun and means materials
(as paper, pens etc.) for writing. Then we have "tryed" (sigh) instead of
"tried" and "ourselfs" (sigh again) instead of "ourselves". We also have
"ruleing" instof "ruling.



Chris H.

We understood what was said, however. And there's a courtesy rule of the
Internet not to criticize one's spelling. A lot of the time posts aren't in
the person's native language, so if you have nothing creative or informative
about the subject under discussion but a spelling lesson, please pass on
that temptation.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations - http://nicecreations.us/
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -



You reproved, as you named it, my spelling lesson (which reaction is
self-explanatory) and totally ignored the offensive phraseology in his post.
That sounds funny.

Lino from Milan.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Let's keep to giving answers and helping each other out, and stay away
from the spelling flames, shall we?

You can take any page in OneNote (including any existing text, formatting
and Notes Containers) and save it as a stationery page. There is a
command in the Stationery Task Pane called "Save Current Page as

The line rules on the pages are intended as visul guide when using a pen
on a Tablet PC (where they also assist the handwriting recognition
engine). There is no easy way to match up a consistent paragraph and
font size to the lines. They are really for display purposes and not for
text formatting purposes.

For the most part, the size of the converted text stems from the size of
the handwriting. I've gotten into the habit of just doing a "Select
All" then (re)applying the desired font properties after converting (on
the rare occasions when I do manually convert my handwriting). I prefer
to keep things in my handwriting and let OneNote convert and index in the
background for future text searching.



For those of us who are less concerned about spelling... ;)

"Anyone idly browsing the Internet recently might well have come across the
following mysterious passage: "Acocdrnig to an elgnsih unviesitry sutdy the
oredr of letetrs in a wrod dosen't mttaer, the olny thnig thta's iopmrantt is
that the frsit and lsat ltteer of eevry word is in the crcreot ptoision. The
rset can be jmbueld and one is stlil able to raed the txet wiohtut

It looks like a foreign language or code, or sheer nonsense, doesn't it? And
yet, most readers find that, surprisingly, it's a snap to interpret:
"According to an English university study the order of letters in a word
doesn't matter, the only thing that's important is that the first and last
letter of every word is in the correct position. The rest can be jumbled and
one is still able to read the text without difficulty."

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