OK to do Test Migration (PS 2003 - PS 2007)?


Matt Kennedy

Our production system that is running Project Server 2003 and Windows
Sharepoint Services 2.0.

We recently setup a new test server running Project Server 2007 and Windows
Sharepoint Services 3.0.

I was considering doing a test of the migration process by using the
migration tools to migrate from our current production system to the test
server. However, I was just reading the Microsoft Project Server 2007
Migration Guide and came across this comment,

"Global Data can only be migrated once...It is important to note that once
successfully migrated, the global data is never migrated again."

Any idea whether I should take that literally? I am hoping that it means you
can only migrate to a particular environment once (and not re-migrate to that
same environment again) versus meaning that you literally can only migrate
once. I want to migrate production first to a test server and then do some
thorough testing to make sure the migration worked successfully. Then I'd do
the migration again but this time to the new production platform. Any idea
how I should interpret this comment from the Microsoft Guide?


Ben Howard

Hi Matt,
Your former statement is correct, ie "I am hoping that it means you
can only migrate to a particular environment once (and not re-migrate to that
same environment again)"

You can migrate the same PS2003SP2a database as many times to different
PS2007 instances as you like.

Matt Kennedy

Great. Thanks Ben!

Ben Howard said:
Hi Matt,
Your former statement is correct, ie "I am hoping that it means you
can only migrate to a particular environment once (and not re-migrate to that
same environment again)"

You can migrate the same PS2003SP2a database as many times to different
PS2007 instances as you like.

Bill Busby

One piece of advice I got that has saved me a huge amount of time in testing
migration scenarios - once you get a base install of PS2007 (no configuration
changes, no projects/resources migrated) take a backup of the four databases.
Then you can do a quick db restore to reset your environment back to a
'pre-migration/pre-wish I hadn't done that' state.

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