OL 2002 and Advanced Find



Follow-up microsoft.public.outlook.program_vba

WIN XP HE, OL 2002
in OL 2002, when you receive a message and reply to it, you get on the
"header" part of the message in "yellow" when in the Inbox view with Preview
Pane: "You replied to this message on ..... date" Click here to find all
related messages.
Because I use a lot of separate sub-folders, that Find function will not
find the replies oftentimes as it does not look in those sub-folders. It
only looks in Inbox, Drafts and Sent Items, by default.
Is there a way for me to add folders and sub-folders to it so that I can
perform this search from the same location (Inbox) without to manually input
the folders and subfolders each time?

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

The Advanced Find dialog itself cannot be automated. The programmatic equivalent is the Application.AdvancedSearch method, but you would have to provide your own UI for its results.


Surely it can be modified so that it searches subfolders as well in the "IN"
box rather than only search is: Inbox;Drafts;Sent Items by default.....

Leonardo Toni

I am facing the same problem, even though I use Outlook 2000.

Does anybody know how to create a macro that will find all related messages
in all folders under my mailbox?

Thank you!

Leonardo Toni

Lookout can index the entire mailbox, but will not programatically search for
all messages related to the one I have.

I with Outlook could record macros...

Leonardo Toni

Thank you for the suggestion, Sue.

However, it is my understanding that this method is not available in Outlook
2000. Am I out of luck?



Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

That's correct, AdvancedSearch was introduced in Outlook 2002.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

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