The Hun
Using OL 2002.
PLAN A: Can someone give me the directions to change a setting that
will enable my OL 2002 not to be limited by the amount of space it's
filled with from emails and attachments?
PLAN B: If the first option isn't available, and short of deleting a
lot of my emails, will "archived" emails automatically reduce the
space affecting OL's ability to finction?
PLAN C: Without deleting emails, if the only option is to remove a
certain amount of emails from OL, I assume I can create a folder for
"2007 emails" and save it as a PST file. QUESTION: After I save the
folder as a PST file, is it safe to delete that folder and those files
from OL? Will I be able to import that saved PST folder again if I
need to search for specific emails?
PLAN A: Can someone give me the directions to change a setting that
will enable my OL 2002 not to be limited by the amount of space it's
filled with from emails and attachments?
PLAN B: If the first option isn't available, and short of deleting a
lot of my emails, will "archived" emails automatically reduce the
space affecting OL's ability to finction?
PLAN C: Without deleting emails, if the only option is to remove a
certain amount of emails from OL, I assume I can create a folder for
"2007 emails" and save it as a PST file. QUESTION: After I save the
folder as a PST file, is it safe to delete that folder and those files
from OL? Will I be able to import that saved PST folder again if I
need to search for specific emails?