
I have OL2002 installed on my home desktop and office laptop.

I retrieve email for the same account on both-- no problems.

Within the last 2-3 days I cannot SEND email from OL on my laptop as I get :

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

'Mary Wagner' on 4/17/2007 10:37 AM
550 5.7.1 <[email protected]>... Relaying denied. IP name
lookup failed []

What does this mean? I can send email from OL on my home desktop without a
problem to any email address.

It is just the laptop that is having a problem. I am not sending to hotmail
email addresses. Just garden variety email addresses and emails. No pics,
or large attachments, simple text. Some go through but the majority do not.

Will you help me solve this problem?

Thanks in advance

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