OL 2003 Autocorrect capitalizes "i", how to switch off?


Bo Berglund

When I type messages in Outlook 2003 and enter a word as "i" (which
means "in" in Swedish) Outlook always capitalizes the letter to "I".
This is plain wrong and I want to switch this non-feature off, but I
cannot find where to do it.

There are settings for autocorrect of double CAps correction and
initial words in sentences etc, but this stupid conversion of i into I
is not an option anywhere I have looked.
I have Office 2003 SP2 with all updates applied as of now.

Bo Berglund

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

Are you using the English language settings on the Spelling tab?

Bo Berglund

Are you using the English language settings on the Spelling tab?

I don't know what you mean here. I don't have any tabs at all.
Where are these located????

But I have an English version of MS Office 2003 as I have always used
since 10 years back and I never had these problems before.
Once, maybe in Word 2000 there was a similar case of capitalization,
but then I could open the Autocorrect settings and look at the table
of all replacements. Then I found a line with i to the left and I to
the right. When I deleted this line the problem was gone.
But in this version of Office the same dialog just shows a bunch of
smileys that are treated by the "autocorrect" function. No way to see
all the other pairs of words.. :-( <= this would have been changed
if I was not using the Free Agent newsreader....


Bo Berglund

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

In Outlook there's a Spelling tab in the Tools menu > Options dialog

Bo Berglund

When I type messages in Outlook 2003 and enter a word as "i" (which
means "in" in Swedish) Outlook always capitalizes the letter to "I".
This is plain wrong and I want to switch this non-feature off, but I
cannot find where to do it.

There are settings for autocorrect of double CAps correction and
initial words in sentences etc, but this stupid conversion of i into I
is not an option anywhere I have looked.
I have Office 2003 SP2 with all updates applied as of now.
Noone yet with a working suggestion?
I got a private email from another poor sod struggling with the same
problem, so I am not alone. My setup is like this:

Win XP-Pro SP2, English version
MS Office 2003 SP2, English version

I most often write messages in English, but from time to time they are
in Swedish and that is when this capitalization is so annoying.
I think I can manage to write I in uppercase without Outlook helping
me, so I *really, really* would like to switch the darned thing off!

But I also often write like this:
THe wild flower...
And it is nice to have THe converted automatically to The, so I don't
want to switch off autocorrect altogether, just remove the "i" from
the wordlist.
Where is the wordlist kept????????????????????

Bo Berglund

Brian Tillman

Bo Berglund said:
I most often write messages in English, but from time to time they are
in Swedish and that is when this capitalization is so annoying.
I think I can manage to write I in uppercase without Outlook helping
me, so I *really, really* would like to switch the darned thing off!

But I also often write like this:
THe wild flower...
And it is nice to have THe converted automatically to The, so I don't
want to switch off autocorrect altogether, just remove the "i" from
the wordlist.
Where is the wordlist kept????????????????????

If you're using Word as your mail editor, check Tools>AutoCorrection Options
and see if there is a substitution of "I" for "i" in the "Replace text as
you type" list.

Bo Berglund

If you're using Word as your mail editor, check Tools>AutoCorrection Options
and see if there is a substitution of "I" for "i" in the "Replace text as
you type" list.

1. I am using Rich Text editing normally in Outlook.

2. I looked in the MS Word settings for the pair i->I in the
autocorrect options but it was not there.

3. The automatic capitalization does not happen when I write something
using Word. But I don't want to use Word to compose mail messages.

4. In Outlook I can find a list similar to the one in MSWord at
Tools/Options/Spelling/AutocorrectOptions but this one also does
not contain the pair i->I

So what can I do next?
Is there a general message template setting that defines the language
in which the message is written maybe, the capitalization seems to be
an English problem, really.

Bo Berglund

Brian Tillman

Bo Berglund said:
3. The automatic capitalization does not happen when I write something
using Word. But I don't want to use Word to compose mail messages.

4. In Outlook I can find a list similar to the one in MSWord at
Tools/Options/Spelling/AutocorrectOptions but this one also does
not contain the pair i->I

So what can I do next?

Well, you've checked the two placed I'd check. Someone else may be able to
suggest something. Sorry I cannot.

Bo Berglund

When I type messages in Outlook 2003 and enter a word as "i" (which
means "in" in Swedish) Outlook always capitalizes the letter to "I".
This is plain wrong and I want to switch this non-feature off, but I
cannot find where to do it.

There are settings for autocorrect of double CAps correction and
initial words in sentences etc, but this stupid conversion of i into I
is not an option anywhere I have looked.
I have Office 2003 SP2 with all updates applied as of now.

The plot thickens!
It turns out that if I compose a message in Rich Text or in Plain Text
then the capitalization is active.
But strangely if I change the format to HTML then suddenly I can write
my Swedish messages without this stupid Auto(in)Correct non-feature.

Another person from Italy just reported that the way the autocorrect
works is somehopw connected to the Keyboard settings in Control
If he has selected an English keyboard layout then he gets these
capitalization errors in Outlook, but if he switches to an Italian
keyboard layout in the Regional settings in Control Panel then the
autocorrect stops destroying his text.

But my tests show that it works only for HTML format, if I write or
reply in Rich Text or Plain Text then the autocorrect is still there
and mangles the text.

Can anyone seriously understand what is going on and suggest a logical
way to attack the problem???

Bo Berglund

Brian Tillman

Bo Berglund said:
Another person from Italy just reported that the way the autocorrect
works is somehopw connected to the Keyboard settings in Control

Have you checked yours?

Bo Berglund

Have you checked yours?

Yes, and it is set to Swedish as it has always been.

Notice that it looks like this setting *only* affects emails written
with HTML formatting. For Rich Text or Plaintext the language setting
is not considered, it still uses English replacements....

Bo Berglund

Bo Berglund

When I type messages in Outlook 2003 and enter a word as "i" (which
means "in" in Swedish) Outlook always capitalizes the letter to "I".
This is plain wrong and I want to switch this non-feature off, but I
cannot find where to do it.

There are settings for autocorrect of double CAps correction and
initial words in sentences etc, but this stupid conversion of i into I
is not an option anywhere I have looked.
I have Office 2003 SP2 with all updates applied as of now.

This thread did not yield a solution to my question back in Nov 2005,
but now I have finally found how to fix it!

So I am sharing it here in case someone else needs it:

1) In Outlook main menu: Tools/Options/Spelling/AutocorrectOptions
Check "Replace text as you type" OK all the way out.

2) Create a new message. Write the text and verify that i is changed
to I as you type.

3) In the message menu: Tools/AutocorrectOptions

4) Scroll down the list of word pairs until you find the i...I pair

5) Select that line and click the Delete button. OK all the way out

6) Continue typing your message and verify that i is no longer changed

The trick here is that the wordpair list does *not* appear when you
reach the AutocorrectOptions window in the main Outlook menu, you have
to get there from the message window menu.

Why this is good you have to ask Microsoft....


Bo Berglund

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