OL 2003 - Reply To shows ; ; ; semicolons instead of names



Weird one here. Outlook 2003 on Exchange 2003.

This is only happening to my boss and one other person in the company.
Sometimes when he does a "Reply To All" email all the names on the original
email show up when he's writing and sending it. However once it's been sent,
if he looks at it in Sent Mail, it will only show the first email address,
followed by as many semicolons as there were receivers. If he double-clicks
each semicolon, it will show that receiver's name. This is stressing him out,
not knowing if they are receiving them or not. We have found they are all
recieving them but he wants it fixed. Have Searched KBs and Googled to no
Thoughts? Thanks!


If your primary concern is to make sure the email was received by all
parties, you should be using read receipts instead.

Also, make sure you have patched office with the latest updates. Check
office.microsoft.com and use the "check for updates" option for Office 2003.

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