OL 2003 SP2: Rule to move emall with no subject and/or no body


Bill Davy

If I attempt to filter on Subject and do not provide a subject the rule is
not allowed. Is tehre a way of specify "no subject" or is there another way
to set up the same rule?

I am being inundated with emails with no subject or body (why do they even
get sent is one question, but not my immediate concern).

I am using BT as the ISP, and I do have Cloudmark as a spam blocker, but it
does not seem to have the asnwer to this.


PS Could not find an FAQ but did look.

Bill Davy

Chris Wainwright said:
See "Blocking blank email"

The string "Blocking blank email" does not help in OL. In Google, the
search "outlook Blocking blank email" finds various refrences, but about
Exchange or Express, not simple Outlook. Where do you suggest I should look
for "Blocking blank email"?


Chris Wainwright

Sorry for the lack of specifics Bill, it was posted in this very forum by me
yesterday (6/18/2006)

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