R Wright
Using OL 2003 with Mappoint 2004. The Cut & Paste function
using Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V is malfunctioning. When doing a
cut & paster using the Ctrl functions, the MAPPOINT symbol
is always pasted into the new area (Mappoint has not been
involked is the session to create a map to paste).
IF I use the EDIT | COPY menu items and then the
EDIT|Paste into the new area, the selected text is
properly pasted.
Displaying the Office Clipboard confirms what is
happening, but WHY?
Previously, I used OL 2002 with prev version of Mappoint
and this operation worked fine.
Ideas?? or is this a BUG?
using Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V is malfunctioning. When doing a
cut & paster using the Ctrl functions, the MAPPOINT symbol
is always pasted into the new area (Mappoint has not been
involked is the session to create a map to paste).
IF I use the EDIT | COPY menu items and then the
EDIT|Paste into the new area, the selected text is
properly pasted.
Displaying the Office Clipboard confirms what is
happening, but WHY?
Previously, I used OL 2002 with prev version of Mappoint
and this operation worked fine.
Ideas?? or is this a BUG?