OL 2007 - Reply Font (TNR) is not the Specified One



When I reply to a message, it almost always defaults to Time New Roman even
thought Arial is specified (in different colors) is specified in Fonts.

Why? how can I change this behavior so it conforms to the Outlook Reply
Font setting?


It seems to happen to any I don't orginate.

Regardless, my question is how does one force Outlook to override all
message formatting and use the defaults selected, presuming this is possible?

Thank you.


Diane Poremsky said:
what message format does this happen with?

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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maxnix said:
When I reply to a message, it almost always defaults to Time New Roman
thought Arial is specified (in different colors) is specified in Fonts.

Why? how can I change this behavior so it conforms to the Outlook Reply
Font setting?

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