OL > OneNote Powertoy Glitch?


David G in NYC

Running Office 2003, WinXP Pro/SP2. The powertoy to send messages from
Outlook to OneNote does as advertised, but:

1. After using it, Outlook won't send mail unless I close it and reopen it.
(If it matters, I have OL set up with 3 personalities, but I'm using the same
one consistently.)

2. Possibly related: Since installing the powertoy, whenever I close Outlook
a warning message appears very briefly. As far as I can tell, it says
something about "Failed to find resource file...", but it disappears so
quickly that I can't read it. (The error dialog box has an OK button, but it
closes by itself.) The Applications Event Log shows nothing.

Has anyone seen similar problems? Any suggestions?

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