OL opens w\error "add in c:\prog~1\mcafee.com\vso\outscan.dll"



Outlook opens with an error message "The add in
c:\progra~1\mcafee.com\vso\outscan.dll could not be loaded or installed. The
problem may be resuolved by using the detect and repair in help.

detect and repair in help does not fix the problem.

Please help

Noel All

If you go to Tools || Options || Other || Advanced Options || Add in Manager
|| see if you can uncheck it here, alternately with Outlook closed find and
delete a file called extend.dat (Note this file may be hidden).


Thanks Noel All. I was having the same problem, and unchecking the add-in
remedied the problem. McAfee Virus Scan Outlook Email Scanner was listed
(and checked) twice. I unchecked only one occurrence.


Noel All,

many thanks the annoying message has gone away!

Thanks Rocketman6666


This is a great tip. I had a similar problem after installing and then
un-installimg Panda software from the System Mechanic Professional CD.
Detect and Repair (as suggested by Outlook) would not fix the problem and
Iolo (System Mechanic) would not respond to my trouble reports.


FYI - Finally got a reply from Iolo. They said I should contact Panda!!
Panda was no help either.

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