OL2002: Add on/plugin to reformat telephone numbers



I would like to know if there is an utility that will allow me to change
the format of phone numbers from:
i (ccc) nnn-nnnnn to +i-ccc-nnn-nnnn
I have all my contact numbers in my mobile phone in the format of
+i-ccc-nnn-nnnn and Outlook 2002 loves to change it to its own format.
Aaargh!!! Short of manually doing this, is there another way to solve
this dilemma?

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

You can add the plus sign for canonical format but you can't change how the
number is formatted, that's based on the local settings.

You can download the PhoneChanger addin from
http://www.slovaktech.com/phonechanger.htm to add the + for canonical
format, it's a free addin.

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