OL2002 Error Message -HotFix 827149 does Not Work



POP3 Error is corectly documented in OL2002 / Hotfix 827149... However this
does NOT correct the problem.

I can find no other suggestions... Can Someone asist with this intermittent



Might be nice to know what the err. msg was, without having to trawl through
the hotfix kb to find it


Sorry for not having all the details!!

The error message that I receive intermittently is:

Task 'smtp server name - Sending and Receiving' reported error (0x8004210A):
'The operation timed out waiting for a response from the receiving (POP)
server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server
administrator or Internet service provide (ISP).'

I attempted to download the HotFix SP3, but a message correctly appears that
it was already installed. Interesting that it does not allow me to choose to
Reinstall it should I so desire.

I made the needed registry changes as directed, yet the above error continues.

Also I use two accounts when I sign in to Oultlook. #1 Is my "primary (and I
don't get an error message from this one), while the one I always get the
error message is my "Secondary".....



Yes... they are both on the same profile.

And thank you for continuing to try to help me solve this.......


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