Thank you for comments Diane but please reread my response to
Roady so I do not have to rewrite what I do and do not have accessible
as I have already explained the anomaly.
Your point regarding smart menus may be pertinent but I do not
see a chevron at the bottom of any menu suggesting there is nothing
to expand. I also went to Tools > Options and do not see how to
configure smart menus one way or another.
Lastly, the 'task pane' that is display via View menu is different
than a Research pane. It is the Research pane I am specifically
concerned about. Using the View menu does not load the
Research pane.
Microsoft's decision to obfuscate access to the Research pane in
OutLook when not doing so for other Office System applications is
totally ridiculous and FUBAR as it undermines and corrupts the
otherwise amazing opportunity to use the Research pane to
consume web services.
The Research pane needs to be accessible within two operations
at most, ideally should be available on the toolbar as a one click
operation, and should not require selecting and highlighting text
in an open message to be useful to OutLook customers.
If I may use an analogy, Microsoft's imposition in this context
is like an automobile manufacturer that forces its customer to
enter the trunk of their vehicle through the back seat which is
of course possible to those who have discovered this fact and
which also is significantly limiting in what can then be accomplished
when trying to utilize the resources made available by having a
trunk in the first place.

I still need to figure out how to repair what is
obviously somehow a crippled implementation of OL2003 as I have
access to the Research pane only in a new message.
<%= Clinton Gallagher
A/E/C Consulting, Web Design, e-Commerce Software Development
Wauwatosa, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin USA
NET (e-mail address removed)
LaGarde StoreFront 5 Affiliate: e-Commerce Solutions
Can you open it using Alt+T, R? What about View, Toolbars, Task pane?
If you don't have it on opened, received message, you may need to reset
toolbars unless it's hidden by the "smart menus".
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
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