Just recently reinstalled WinXP and Office 2003. Applied all Office updates.
We use Small Business Server 2003 with Exchange.
Exchange keeps the calendar for everyone.
All email is smtp/pop from clients Outlook 2003.
Storage of mailbox is on Exchange server.
No email is done by the Exchange server.
Email addresses are kept in Outlook Address Book
Now, the problem is that email is being sent to the Exchange server instead
of the smtp server, where it dies (I guess - never set up the connector)
Went into Tools / Email Accounts / Change Email Accounts and moved the
smtp/pop config to the top as Default.
Using Exchange logging and a sniffer, when sending email, Outlook connects
to the Exchange server (MAPI) and sends the email there instead of the smtp
Output log for Outlook follows at bottom.
Just can not figure out how to fix this. Could someone please tell me how
to get the client to send to the smtp server instead?
John Foy
2005.10.12 00:06:43 EXECUTING Put MAPI TASK
2005.10.12 00:06:43 Starting the Spooling Cycle
2005.10.12 00:06:43 MAPI Status: (IN -- ---/OUT fl ---)
2005.10.12 00:06:43 MAPI XP Call: FlushQueues, hr = 0x00000000, ulFlushFlags
= 0x0000001a
2005.10.12 00:06:43 Sending one message
2005.10.12 00:06:43 Progress: Sending message 'FW: just so I know...' (size
11.68 KBytes)
2005.10.12 00:06:43 MAPI Status: (IN -- ---/OUT fl act)
2005.10.12 00:06:43 MAPI Status: (IN -- ---/OUT fl ---)
2005.10.12 00:06:43 MAPI XP Call: SubmitMessage, hr = 0x00000000
2005.10.12 00:06:43 MAPI XP Call: EndMessage, hr = 0x00000000
2005.10.12 00:06:43 FINISHED MAPI TASK
2005.10.12 00:06:43 TriadHypnosisExchange: ReportStatus: RSF_COMPLETED, hr =
2005.10.12 00:06:43 TriadHypnosisExchange: Synch operation completed
We use Small Business Server 2003 with Exchange.
Exchange keeps the calendar for everyone.
All email is smtp/pop from clients Outlook 2003.
Storage of mailbox is on Exchange server.
No email is done by the Exchange server.
Email addresses are kept in Outlook Address Book
Now, the problem is that email is being sent to the Exchange server instead
of the smtp server, where it dies (I guess - never set up the connector)
Went into Tools / Email Accounts / Change Email Accounts and moved the
smtp/pop config to the top as Default.
Using Exchange logging and a sniffer, when sending email, Outlook connects
to the Exchange server (MAPI) and sends the email there instead of the smtp
Output log for Outlook follows at bottom.
Just can not figure out how to fix this. Could someone please tell me how
to get the client to send to the smtp server instead?
John Foy
2005.10.12 00:06:43 EXECUTING Put MAPI TASK
2005.10.12 00:06:43 Starting the Spooling Cycle
2005.10.12 00:06:43 MAPI Status: (IN -- ---/OUT fl ---)
2005.10.12 00:06:43 MAPI XP Call: FlushQueues, hr = 0x00000000, ulFlushFlags
= 0x0000001a
2005.10.12 00:06:43 Sending one message
2005.10.12 00:06:43 Progress: Sending message 'FW: just so I know...' (size
11.68 KBytes)
2005.10.12 00:06:43 MAPI Status: (IN -- ---/OUT fl act)
2005.10.12 00:06:43 MAPI Status: (IN -- ---/OUT fl ---)
2005.10.12 00:06:43 MAPI XP Call: SubmitMessage, hr = 0x00000000
2005.10.12 00:06:43 MAPI XP Call: EndMessage, hr = 0x00000000
2005.10.12 00:06:43 FINISHED MAPI TASK
2005.10.12 00:06:43 TriadHypnosisExchange: ReportStatus: RSF_COMPLETED, hr =
2005.10.12 00:06:43 TriadHypnosisExchange: Synch operation completed