OL2007 Autodiscovery Fails



X7 SP1 RU5 and ISA2006 SP1, OL 2007

With Test E-mail Autoconfiguration AutoD fails on
"Autodiscover request completed with http status code 500"
"Autodiscover to
https://autodiscover.domain/com/auotdiscover/autodiscover.xml Failed

I can manually browse using IE to that URL and I'm prompted with a ISA FBA
and after entering credentials receive the XML page.

So IE can get to that page , why can't Outlook receive that page?

Thanks in advance

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

X7 SP1 RU5 and ISA2006 SP1, OL 2007

With Test E-mail Autoconfiguration AutoD fails on
"Autodiscover request completed with http status code 500"
"Autodiscover to
https://autodiscover.domain/com/auotdiscover/autodiscover.xml Failed

I can manually browse using IE to that URL and I'm prompted with a ISA FBA
and after entering credentials receive the XML page.

So IE can get to that page , why can't Outlook receive that page?

IE is a web browser. Outlook is not. Outlook 2007 uses Word to render


LOL well that's a lot of help and revelation.

IE is a Web Browser and Outlook is not. I hadn't really thought of this
way now that you mention it.

Thank you

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