[OL2007] -> Business card shown by Last then First??? <-



In Outlook 2007, I try to have the contacts displayed as "Business
Cards" but then showing "Lastname, Firstname".
I have tried all options I could think of, they always display
"Firstname Lastname"

So I chanegd the view, I sorted by "Company, then Last, then First",
well they are sorted differently but still show "First Last"

Then I went into Tools->Options->Contact options and set all the
comboboxes to display and file the contact as "Lastname, Firstname",
but still no success.

This is really getting on my nerves.

And PLEASE, don't tell me it's again a thing imposed that cannot be
modified easely except by stupidely creating myself a form using the

Thanks for any help


(Remove the K_I_L_LSPAM from my email address)

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

As I recall, the Business Card views Sorts by the File As... field by
default. Did you examine the format you specified for the File As.. field?
Did you examine the Sort order you set for this view? Tell us what those
settings are.


As I recall, the Business Card views Sorts by the File As... field by
default. Did you examine the format you specified for the File As.. field?

Yes, if I open a contact showing "Firstname Lastname", the File As is
correctly set as "Lastname, Firstname"!

Did you examine the Sort order you set for this view? Tell us what those
settings are.

The sort order doesn't change what's displayed in the Business Card
You can set it to whatever you want, it will change the order of the
business cards themselves, but on them, the contact is still shown
as "Firstname Lastname".



(Remove the K_I_L_LSPAM from my email address)

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

The Title Bar will show you Last, First.
If for some reason you also need the Full Name field to show Last First,
then set the Full Name fields that way. Perhaps you do not realize that
changing the option will not change existing Contacts, only new ones. You
must change existing Contacts manually.


The Title Bar will show you Last, First.

Yes but its so small.
I'd like the name that is shown in bold characters to display what
I want.

If for some reason you also need the Full Name field to show Last First,
then set the Full Name fields that way. Perhaps you do not realize that
changing the option will not change existing Contacts, only new ones. You
must change existing Contacts manually.

I don't think I can change the "Fullname" option. How do you do it?
If you edit the business card itself, then you can change actually
remove Fullname, but there is no way to add Last or First as they
don't appear in the "Add..." menus!

Also, I think this is really a BASIC feature.
I have to say that most common stuff found even on crapy cheap
shareware is not available in Outlook. I'm really stunned at
what that application is. How badly designed it seems to be.
Unfortunately I have no choice about using something else.


(Remove the K_I_L_LSPAM from my email address)

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

So far I've not seen a single other user who needed both the Title and the
Full Names fields to be Last, First. The business card view is considered
eye candy by most users I know. There are countless other views you can
configure the way you want.
Why do you say you cannot change the Full Name option? You already stated
the correct method.


Why do you say you cannot change the Full Name option? You already stated
the correct method.

Because changing the full name doesn't change the way it appears on
the business card! That's the problem. It's totally ignored!


(Remove the K_I_L_LSPAM from my email address)

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Works here. We can't tell what you're doing wrong until you tell us what
you're doing.


Works here. We can't tell what you're doing wrong until you tell us what
you're doing.

- View->Current View->Customize current view
- Sort Items by->Company
- Then by->Lastname
- Then by->Firstname

This reorders the business cards but don't change their
appearance, which seems to be normal.


- Tools->Options->Contact Options
- Default "Full Name" Order: Last First
- Default "File As" Order: Last, First
Doesn't change a thing on the bold character display of the name


In a contact card in edit mode:
- FullName has Firstname Lastname
- FileAs set to Lastname, Firstname
Now edit the business card itself with "Edit business card"
in the Fiels column, you have Full Name, which should actually
display "Last First" as mentioned in the Tools->options->Contact
Options, but it still displays First Last

Try to change this "Full Name" Field into "Lastname, Firstname".
You can't because FirstName and LastName don't exist as fields
in the "Add..." button selections offered.

Looks like you're stuck


(Remove the K_I_L_LSPAM from my email address)

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