OLAP Calculation using Enterprise Project Custom Outline Code


Jason Leung

The purpose for the below is to predict the equivalent work for the
uncommitted projects using probability.
I realize without extending the OLAP, the only easy way is to use Project
Outline code.
I named a project outline code as Probability and I defined it as numeric.
For testing, I entered three projects with this code value as 10, 50 and 80
respectively. I actually want 10%, 50% etc. but in order to keep things
simple in the outline code mask, I decided not to use any decimals or %.
After the cube is refreshed, I have no problem seeing these Probability
values and the work for each project from the OLAP pivot. However when I used
the OLAP pivot table Calculate function to put in the formula
[measure].[Probability]*[measure].[work], it returned blank as value. Do I
need to do some conversion for [measure].[Probability] before it will work?
What is the syntax?
Any help will be much appreciated.


What is measure here..you can directly use Probabilty * Work ...but Its wont
come in OLAP as only Outline code get carried in that .. not custom codes..

Reino Schneidergros said:

there's a simple tool for extending the cube via PWA, so you can rest all
calculations in formulas in Project Pro.
Follow the link: http://www.bogdanov-associates.com/eng.asp?rubr_id=484


Jason Leung said:
The purpose for the below is to predict the equivalent work for the
uncommitted projects using probability.
I realize without extending the OLAP, the only easy way is to use Project
Outline code.
I named a project outline code as Probability and I defined it as numeric.
For testing, I entered three projects with this code value as 10, 50 and
respectively. I actually want 10%, 50% etc. but in order to keep things
simple in the outline code mask, I decided not to use any decimals or %.
After the cube is refreshed, I have no problem seeing these Probability
values and the work for each project from the OLAP pivot. However when I
the OLAP pivot table Calculate function to put in the formula
[measure].[Probability]*[measure].[work], it returned blank as value. Do I
need to do some conversion for [measure].[Probability] before it will
What is the syntax?
Any help will be much appreciated.

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