OLAP Cube and 2 Y axis graphe



Is there a reliable way to build a 2 Y axis graphe on the OLAP Cube
(Portfolio view).
Obviously, I need 2 Y axes with 2 different scales.
While I succeeded to build such a graphe 3 months ago, since that date I
didn'd succeed again : the 2 Y axes always have the same scale ;-((
Thanks for any reliable hint!

Marc Soester

hi Newbie,

Yes you can build a 2 Y axisis within the portfolio analyser. First of all
it is important that you have office web components 2003 installed. Lets
assume that is the case. You can build the Axis very simular than in Excel.

I would suggest that you build the graph under Admin> Manage Views >
Portfolio Analyser. Onnce you have pulled all required inforamtion to the
report ( you will need at least 2 values to create the Axis).
Go to Commants and Options on the graph field. On the General Tab you can
choose the Value Axis ( e.g. Value Axis 1 and 2). Under Add click the "Add
Value Axis" Icon. You should now have 2 Axis on the left hand side ( the
value Axis 1 and 2). All you now need to do is to choose the Axis you would
like to have on the right side and go to the "format" tab, choose Position
"Right" and you should have your desired outcome.

I hope this helps


Thanks Mark,

But I already did all these points. My problem is that, after doing this, I
expected to get 2 Y axis with 2 different scales:
- Y1 from 0 to 10 working days for example
- Y2 from 0 to 150 working days
While in fact the 2 axis are always showing the same scale : 0-10 working
days, or the 2 axis are showing 0-150 working days. So in every case there
is a series which is not visible.
Obviously this graphical module in PWA is a bug by itself, compound of a lot
of sub-bugs. But is it possible to navigate between these reef-bugs to build
a graph with 2 Y axis with 2 different scales?

Marc Soester

Hi Newbie,

I dont seem to have this problem. I have 2 different values on each axis. It
is important that you have 2 measurments ( work and cost for example). As
soon as you have 2 values, you should also be able to have 2 value axises. Do
you have 2 values within your Graph?


Hi Marc,

My 2 values are discrete value of work, week by week, and cumulative value
of work.
Three months ago I succeed in doing that, but now the 2 axis change their
scales togother.


Marc Soester

Hi Newbie,

From my understanding you actually only use work as your value ( ok 2
different summaries of work, but still work as a value). This also means that
the axis 1 and 2 give you the same scale since it only knows that you are
dealing with work. You can manually change the Min and Max value of a scale (
which you find on the commants and options as well).

If this still doesnt solve your issue, can you tell me what you are
expecting to see?


Actually I'm using only the work values, but discrete and cumulative.
I want the discrete value refer to the left Y axis, and the cumulative
values refer to the righthand Y axis.
When I manually change the Min and Max value of a scale, the *two* scales
change the same way!
As I said, I succeeded in doing that some months ago (the 2 scales were left
"automatic") but I don't succeed any more.

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