OLAP different values from Adjust Adctuals


R. Beckman

When I run reports some people show up with zero (0) hours in actaul work
from the OLAP cube but when I look at the adjust actual totals the show hours
up there.

Does anyone have an idea what is going on or how I can get the two to sync up?

From what I can tell there are no hours out there waiting to be approved.

R. Beckman

I can go into MSPS '03 under PWA, select Resources, and then select Adjust

On the admin page it shows that the cube was rebuilt last night (2/26)

I understand the cube only has a snap shot in time of the data when it was
built and won't be dynamic throughout the day.

The question in my mind is why does the cube show the proper hours for most
people but for a couple it's missing them all together. To me it almost
seems like there's a filter on the data that the cube uses. That's the only
way it makes sense to me that the actuals are there but the cube doesn't show
the information.


Marc Soester [MVP]

Hi Rob,

I cant think of a filter when building the cube. Can you identify the users
and if so, is there anything out of the ordinary with these users?
The only reason I can think of is if you have a corrupted project that it
doesnt read this information, but I never heard that it is resource related.
Sorry I am not able to give you a satisfactory answer, but I would check if
there is something wrong with the users you are having the problem with. Are
you sure their submitted the actual work and this work has been accepted?

Rob Beckman

Thanks for the information Mark. My suggestion of a filter was just trying
to figure out why OLAP wouldn't have the information in it. I don't know the
internals as well as you probably do.

I have checked and all time has been approved through PWA. Assuming that
the project is corrupt how do I confirm or check for this? Is there anyway
to fix it or do we need to create a whole new project.


Marc Soester [MVP]

Hi Rob,

there are several ways to "fix" the project, but before we go down this
path, a couple of questions:
- can you open and amend the project in MS Project and republish it without
an error message?
- the changes you have done in the project, are you able to see them in PWA?
- Does your project have some kind of special carcter in the Project name?
If so can you rename the project and try to build the cube again?

Please let me know

Rob Beckman

last night the cube was rebuilt and we're still havnig problems.

here's what we've done.
- Amended the project
- Republished everything
- Retook ownership of all the tasks.

Changes to the project are reflected in PWA but not in the cube. Adjust
actuals does show the proper time.

The name of the project only have A-Z 0-9 and a dash '-' in the name.
Nothing special from what I can tell.

Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on our problem.

Marc Soester [MVP]

hmmmmm, Rob, The only other thing I can come up with is checking the Event
Logs on the App server, just to see if there is some error message and also
check the queue to see if there are any publish errors.
Sorry I cant be of more help without actually seeing the issue


Did you ever figure out what was causing this?? I am seeing same exact

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