OLAP/ Portfolio Analyzer and Local Resources



In our enterprise projects we use local resources for those resources that we
do not want to share etc (ie., consultants, contractors, etc.).

Is it normal for the Portfolio Analyzer (ie., 2003) to dispaly the work for
"Local Resource" but not their Availability?

I guess if this is the case, then when someone is comparing resource 'work'
versus 'availability' over time in PWA to determine if there are resource(s)
constraint the they should ensure to filter out "Local Resource". Otherwise,
they could end up showing that they are resource constraint when in fact they
have secured external resources.

Please let me know if I'm on the right path...



I totally agree with you. Unfortunately, it in this case it creates more
work for the administrator than it is worth given the volume.

Jonathan Sofer

I wonder if you change the local resources' workgroup to None does that
remove them from the OLAP cube build? Worth a try.

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