OLAP, Server Error After Reboot - Translation?



Gurus and MVPs, I request your expertise. All assistance gratefully


Project Admin

I am looking for the translation of error messages from Project Server's
Application log. A quick search using Google did not return much useful
information and this problem has gone on for too long without a resolution.


We are running Project Pro 2003 and Project Server 2003. We have no
hotfixes installed nor have we installed SP1 as yet and have been only
lately experiencing problems with the OLAP cube not completing. There are
currently 300 active projects on the Dell Enterprise class server with
approximately 400 resources in the pool.

The message in the Admin Enterprise Options area states merely that:

"The cube building process was initiated on 7/16/2004 at 2:20 AM"

and hidden until the message is copied and pasted into an email is the

"The cube parameters have been validated"

My IT department wishes to rule out other possible solutions before
installing SP1 on our live server. After rebooting the SQL server yielded
no improvement, we tried rebooting both the SQL server and the Project

This resulted in the following:

After rebooting the Project Server (ABC024), the following errors appear in
the Project Server's "Application" log (no errors appear on the SQL server
or in the Project Server's "System" log). The first three appear
consecutively, apparently all at the same second. The last one appears
almost 30 seconds later, but I'm sure the timing is not very relevant, other
than the fact that it occurs after the first errors.


Event Type: Error
Event Source: MSSOAP
Event Category: Generic
Event ID: 16
Date: 8/23/2004
Time: 4:54:46 PM
User: N/A
Computer: ABC024
Soap error: XML Parser failed at linenumber 0, lineposition 0, reason is:
The system cannot locate the resource specified.


Event Type: Error
Event Source: MSSOAP
Event Category: Generic
Event ID: 16
Date: 8/23/2004
Time: 4:54:46 PM
User: N/A
Computer: ABC024
Soap error: Loading of the WSDL file failed.


Event Type: Error
Event Source: MSSOAP
Event Category: Client
Event ID: 16
Date: 8/23/2004
Time: 4:54:46 PM
User: N/A
Computer: ABC024
Soap error: One of the parameters supplied is invalid..


Event Type: Warning
Event Source: Microsoft Project Server Tracing Eventlog Provider
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1
Date: 8/23/2004
Time: 4:55:14 PM
User: ABC\ProjUser
Computer: ABC024
Component: ConnectSvc
Line: 777
Description: <Description><![CDATA[Restarting listener for the connector
configured by 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\11.0\MS

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