Old appointments showing in "find"



Hello, please can anyone help me with this, I use ol2000 on one pc and ol2003 on another, the problem is that when i do a find for appointments with ol2000 it finds the name from todays date onwards which is exactly what i want, but when i do a find for a name with ol2003 it shows every appointment made, past and present when I only want them from todays date like in ol2000. I don't want to archive previous appointments made as I have to sometimes refer back to them, Just to recap - When I do a find for a specific name in ol2003 it finds evrey appointment ever made when all I want is from todays date i.e. the day I do the find.

I hope this makes sense to someone that can help.

Thanks in advance.


Thanks for that - it sort of answers the question but it's a bit of a bind when I have to search for 10 appointments a day with not much time to do it, so if anyone else has another way of setting it up to permanenlty configure ol2003 to do what it should I would be very grateful as I can't use the upgrade I've bought. But thanks anyway for your time.


Matthew Tisdel

I agree that it should be easier; I also noticed that Outlook 2002 (XP) does the same thing as OL2003. Your one good work around for this is to save the search as I mentioned, then you can setup a shortcut to that Advanced find, and it will do the search for you quite quickly. Actually, this method is faster than the Outlook 2000 method.

Matthew Tisdel

Yes, it does save the name, but the search comes up to the page where you can change the name.

Matthew Tisdel

Your problem has sort of intrigued me. The solution should be easier, but I have found a solution that is a little bit of a pain to set up, but in the end it will make your daily routine at least slightly easier. You can set up Views of each "attendee" of your calendar so that all you have to do is click on a button, and it will show you all appointments for that person.

Here is what you would do in Outlook 2003:
1. Go to your Calendar
2. Click on Views-->Arrange By-->Show Views in Navigation Pane
3. Click on Views-->Arrange By-->Current View-->Define Views
4. Click on New...
5. Ensure that Table is selected
6. Give it a name - I would suggest the name of a person that you search for (for this example, lets say John Doe)
7. Click on OK
8. Click on Filter....
9. Add person to Attendees... blank (In this case John Doe)
10. Click on the Advanced tab-->Date/Time Fields-->Start
11. In the Value Field, type today
12. Click the Add to List button
13. Choose OK, and OK again.
14. Choose Close
15 Now, in the Navigation Pane, on the left, you will have a button called John Doe, when you click it, you will get all of the appointments of John Doe that are coming up.
16. You can repeat steps 3 - 13 for each person that you search for, and each will have a button for a view corresponding to them.


Thank you for taking so much time with this, i've tried your suggestion and it still finds ALL the appointments from day 1 and doesn't filter out the previous ones. I think that i'm just going to have to reside myself to the fact that until Microsoft realise that they've made a pigs ear out of the new version of Outlook (as regards the search function), i'll just have to keep ol2000 on as the search on that works perfectly well - so why they had to change it i'll never know, but thank you once again for taking so much time with my problem.


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