Old items appearing contents



I use XP and FP2003 and publish from a local computer to my remote site
hosted by my ISP. Pages I have long since deleted (on both sites) still
appear in the generated table of contente. I have recalculated hyperlinks on
both sites, as well as deleting the contents page from the remote site and
republishing. I have cleared the cache. Does anyone have any suggestions of
how to cure this?


Stefan B Rusynko

Try in Windows Explorer Find and delete all hidden *.web files (web cache files)
Usually in
%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Web Server Extensions\Cache

Then open your online site in FP, open & resave the TOC page
(or remove/ replace the TOC webbot from your page - saving in between)
and run a Tools Recalculate Hyperlinks - preview in browser to check it

|I use XP and FP2003 and publish from a local computer to my remote site
| hosted by my ISP. Pages I have long since deleted (on both sites) still
| appear in the generated table of contente. I have recalculated hyperlinks on
| both sites, as well as deleting the contents page from the remote site and
| republishing. I have cleared the cache. Does anyone have any suggestions of
| how to cure this?
| novus

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