to give you as much info as possible:
i have the retail version (not OEM) of office home & student 2007.
it allows installation on 3 different computers.
i currently have it installed on 2 laptops.
one of the 2 laptops (with vista) has died. i purchased a replacement laptop
& have the connected the hard drive from the dead laptop to the new laptop
(with windows 7) via usb hdd enclosure. the dead laptop was where the i made
the original installation onto.
office is currently installed on one working laptop and the one dead laptop.
thats 2 of my allowed 3 installations. the initial installation is on the
dead computer and i have no way to uninstall it, although as i stated above,
i do have the HDD connected to my replacement laptop so i can access all
files from the dead laptop.
i realize i have one installation left on my license, however we are
expecting a new laptop to arrive in the next few days, which is where im
planning on installing the 3rd allowed installation to, but i need to have
office installed on my replacement laptop today.
now for my question... since i am unable to uninstall one of my 3 allowed
installations from the dead computer and the dead computer being the one
office was originally installed on, how can i install it to the replacement
laptop without having 1st uninstalled it from the laptop that originated the
installations AND without losing the license for the 3rd installation for the
new computer being shipped out now.
i wish you could add/remove programs with just the HDD so i could bypass the
dead laptop, but thats not possible.
if i go ahead and use my 3rd installation on my replacement laptop today, i
still need to know how to get it off of the dead laptop so i can add it to
the new laptop thats being shipped when it arrives.
is theres a work around for my situation! i tried calling the number posted
in other threads for activating online, but thats just an automated operator.
i just need to know how to get office off the dead laptop so i have that
installation available when the new laptop arrives.
sorry for getting so word-y, but i wanted to include as much info as
possible regarding my situation in order for those who may be able to help to
know as much about my situation as possible, in order to best answer my
sorry again and *crossing fingers* thanks in advance!
WAIT! one more question.... my replacement laptop has the trial version
installed. do i have to uninstall the trial version before installing my full
retail version.
thanks again! i sure hope someone can help!
i have the retail version (not OEM) of office home & student 2007.
it allows installation on 3 different computers.
i currently have it installed on 2 laptops.
one of the 2 laptops (with vista) has died. i purchased a replacement laptop
& have the connected the hard drive from the dead laptop to the new laptop
(with windows 7) via usb hdd enclosure. the dead laptop was where the i made
the original installation onto.
office is currently installed on one working laptop and the one dead laptop.
thats 2 of my allowed 3 installations. the initial installation is on the
dead computer and i have no way to uninstall it, although as i stated above,
i do have the HDD connected to my replacement laptop so i can access all
files from the dead laptop.
i realize i have one installation left on my license, however we are
expecting a new laptop to arrive in the next few days, which is where im
planning on installing the 3rd allowed installation to, but i need to have
office installed on my replacement laptop today.
now for my question... since i am unable to uninstall one of my 3 allowed
installations from the dead computer and the dead computer being the one
office was originally installed on, how can i install it to the replacement
laptop without having 1st uninstalled it from the laptop that originated the
installations AND without losing the license for the 3rd installation for the
new computer being shipped out now.
i wish you could add/remove programs with just the HDD so i could bypass the
dead laptop, but thats not possible.
if i go ahead and use my 3rd installation on my replacement laptop today, i
still need to know how to get it off of the dead laptop so i can add it to
the new laptop thats being shipped when it arrives.
is theres a work around for my situation! i tried calling the number posted
in other threads for activating online, but thats just an automated operator.
i just need to know how to get office off the dead laptop so i have that
installation available when the new laptop arrives.
sorry for getting so word-y, but i wanted to include as much info as
possible regarding my situation in order for those who may be able to help to
know as much about my situation as possible, in order to best answer my
sorry again and *crossing fingers* thanks in advance!
WAIT! one more question.... my replacement laptop has the trial version
installed. do i have to uninstall the trial version before installing my full
retail version.
thanks again! i sure hope someone can help!