Old menu options showing up in template


Dwayne Lusk


I've created a template that loads additional macro buttons in the main
menu bar (to the right of the Help menu).

When I was developing this template, I experimented with different
macros and buttons and ended up deleting/replacing some before deciding
on the final version.

For one of the 6 people in my department using the template, when she
opens it, two of the old buttons that I deleted are showing up in her

So each time I update the template and reinstall on her system, I have
to use Tool/Customize to remove these odd appearances of "ghost buttons
from the past."

Does anyone know what's going on here?

Thanks! -Dwayne

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Dwayne,
I've created a template that loads additional macro buttons in the main
menu bar (to the right of the Help menu).

When I was developing this template, I experimented with different
macros and buttons and ended up deleting/replacing some before deciding
on the final version.

For one of the 6 people in my department using the template, when she
opens it, two of the old buttons that I deleted are showing up in her

So each time I update the template and reinstall on her system, I have
to use Tool/Customize to remove these odd appearances of "ghost buttons
from the past."

Does anyone know what's going on here?
Probably, the CustomizationContext wasn't set specifically enough when
you were inserting/deleting the buttons. Hard to be sure exactly what you
need to do to clean this up, but the following might help:

1. Rename your Normal.dot template
2. Start Word
3. Load your template. (Do you now see these buttons?)
4. Create a new template.
5. Copy/paste all the text EXCEPT the last paragraph mark into the new
6. Recreate all the page formatting, headers, footers, etc.
7. Export the macros (File/Export in the VB Editor) and import them into
the new template
8. Recreate any buttons that VBA doesn't handle in the Menu Bar being
*VERY CAREFUL* to save the changes to this new template.
9. Change your macro code, if necessary, to use CustomizationContext so
that toolbar changes are made specifically in this template

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep 30 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Chip Orange

Cindy M -WordMVP- said:
Hi Dwayne, ....

9. Change your macro code, if necessary, to use CustomizationContext so
that toolbar changes are made specifically in this template

Could you explain further what this is and where it can be found?



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