Old PC to new



I am the Tech Dir. @ our multi-media church. Our 4 year old HP PC in the Tech
"booth" died today. I have already purchased a new sys & it is enroute.
The OLD was XP SP3, NEW is Vista Home Premium 64 bit.
Our MS Office '07 is a 5 PC Sie License. We are using all 5 counting this
"Booth" PC.
When the new PC arrives I will pull the hard drive from the & place it in as
a slave, then transfer files.
#1 - what probs am I going to run into w/ Office detecting it is in a new
PC? How can I overcome these issues?? This is a volunteer, "work @ night
after day job" situation w/ a time crunch so I'm in a; ANY help possible
situation. I'm trying to be prepared as possible for a quick transition.

#2 - How can I cconvince Office 07 that it's not an addtl site, just new PC??

Earle Horton

Office 2007 will have to be reinstalled from the original install media.
There is no easy way to get it off your old hard disk.
Replacing the PC shouldn't be a problem. Worse comes to worst, you will
have to resort to phone activation. That is fairly painless.
New PC may have a "Trial" copy of Office on it. Make sure to uninstall that
prior to installing your already purchased copy of Office.



Thanks Earle,
I feel like the guy who just had his wallet stolen & has to go thru all the
replacement phone calls.
I'm wondering if slaving that HD will be worth the trouble. Guess it will
make transferring some data easier.
Time to go pull out all the MS software cases w/ the info.
I'm old enough to remember when you would purchase an OS & various other
software w/ just a product key & life was less complicated. But that was
"back in the day" when you actually BOUGHT the software.

Steve Rindsberg

I'm wondering if slaving that HD will be worth the trouble. Guess it will
make transferring some data easier.

An alterntive:

You can buy external USB housings ... pop the old HD into it, plug it into any
convenient USB port and transfer your files to the new machine.

And now you've also got an external USB drive for backups 'n such.

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