
I know this has been asked many times before ...." How can I centre my web
page when viewing on the web "

Before you answer David Bartosik ... I did go to your site of FAQ and you
say: You can't. Publisher has no support for it. Publisher codes flush
left, top down. Flush left is a professional design standard.

So I ask this:

Isn't it now kind of rare for someone to have a monitor set to the OLD
standard of 800 X 600 which would make the page appear full?

Is there a way to centre what Publisher does not?

OR: Can you not change the standard page size to a larger width so that when
you do view it on the web it will be a full page?

I'm sure someone has come up with a work around !



You can change the fixed page width to as wide as you want under page setup.
I have a custom page that is 31 inches wide and 6.5 inches high to
accommodate a landscape image.

You can change the code manually in Notepad to center the pages, but each
time you update the page via the Publisher file, you will need to redo the
manual change for each page of your site. This is a pain, and most people
seem to give it up after a time (ask Don).

And as you said, this question has been asked and addressed many times. One
of David Bartosik's recent posts talked about a design technique that might
help...read the last part:

"--------- reprinted from "on white space padding on the right" posted
1/14/05 ----------------------------

A common complaint among customers
(http://www.publishermvps.com/Default.aspx?tabid=30) is the white space they
see padded on the right of their site in the browser. This is a knowledge
issue not a Publisher issue.
It is normal site design behavior. For example refer to http://www.oprah.com
and http://www.cnn.com and http://www.realsimple.com
While there are techniques (not supported in Publisher) to code that normal
behavior 'out', the more common technique is to "fool the eye" so to speak,
should the designer not like the white padding. For example refer to
http://www.msn.com - in this example you can see the background has simply
been changed from white to blue. The padding is still there, it's just a
different perception.
This technique can be employed in Publisher. For example this site done in
version 2002 SP3 - http://www.dogwoodindustries.com/
Here the background was set to color and a textbox drawn on the page and set
to white to serve as the "content holder". I encourage all customers to surf
the web reviewing professional commercial sites and to pay close attention
to the design of the sites."

Sorry if none of this is new to you, but I thought the last part about
dogwoodindustries interesting. I was left with the question as to how he was
able to place an image on top of the textbox without creating a GIF out of
the two...but then I use Publisher 2000.


Don Schmidt

At least with Publisher 2000 html created files you can center your website.

I'll tell you right now if you do much editing you will abandon the process.
(I'll get to the process, hang on).

A better solution, in my opinion to make use of most of that space on the
right is on the page setup select the wide option.

Centering webpages:
The html files created, using Notepad (Notepad+ is a better tool) select
open type HTML files.

Find the line near the top <head>
Add this line directly under it.

Near the bottom of the page find </body>
Add this line directly above it.

Now do a Save as, i.e.,


This editing needs to be done on all html files and every time you make
changes to your website.

Seems like this would be an easy addition to Publisher but the folks at
Microsoft either don't know how to implement it or are not interested in
incorporating it into Publisher. It appears it would be an easy program to
write as an plug-in or an additional fix program.

If things get screwed up, just delete all of the html and image files and do
a "Save as a webpage..." in Publisher.

David Bartosik [MSFT MVP]

I know this has been asked many times before ...." How can I centre my web
page when viewing on the web "

Before you answer David Bartosik ... I did go to your site of FAQ and you
say: You can't. Publisher has no support for it. Publisher codes flush
left, top down. Flush left is a professional design standard.

oh geez here we go again. I tell ya, I've been doing web design and
programming for years now both professionally and personally and I'll tell
ya, I have no idea why so many Publisher customers get so hung up on this.
But they can always use FrontPage or Dreamweaver.
So I ask this:

did you review the theard "Using Pub Webs with Different Display settings"
on 3/13 ?? If not please do so.
Isn't it now kind of rare for someone to have a monitor set to the OLD
standard of 800 X 600 which would make the page appear full?

1024 x 768 on a 17 inch is more common now, but truth is with the rapid
popularity of larger flat screens and lower priced laptops (which can have
odd screen sizes) it's not so easy to pigeon hole a majority size any more.
A common technique is to color the background such as at

Despite the above I still design to a width of 750-800. As do my peers.
Is there a way to centre what Publisher does not?

Publisher uses absolute positioning, a CSS2 standard. Which is why any
attempt at centering fails
OR: Can you not change the standard page size to a larger width so that
when you do view it on the web it will be a full page?

Guess you never looking under File, page settings?
I'm sure someone has come up with a work around !

No, Publisher uses absolute positioning. In layman's terms that means that
the browser is told to position an object X number of pixels from the left
and X number of pixels from the top. You can't over-ride that.

David Bartosik - [MSFT MVP]

Don Schmidt

Maybe so David but "any port in a storm".

I don't use the "center" code, it just wasn't worth the hassle. Wide is my

Vancouver, USA

David Bartosik said:
fyi, technically the center tag was deprecated in the html standard. the
replacement is the center attribute in applicable tags.

David Bartosik - [MSFT MVP]

Don Schmidt said:
At least with Publisher 2000 html created files you can center your

I'll tell you right now if you do much editing you will abandon the
(I'll get to the process, hang on).

A better solution, in my opinion to make use of most of that space on the
right is on the page setup select the wide option.

Centering webpages:
The html files created, using Notepad (Notepad+ is a better tool) select
open type HTML files.

Find the line near the top <head>
Add this line directly under it.

Near the bottom of the page find </body>
Add this line directly above it.

Now do a Save as, i.e.,


This editing needs to be done on all html files and every time you make
changes to your website.

Seems like this would be an easy addition to Publisher but the folks at
Microsoft either don't know how to implement it or are not interested in
incorporating it into Publisher. It appears it would be an easy program
write as an plug-in or an additional fix program.

If things get screwed up, just delete all of the html and image files and
a "Save as a webpage..." in Publisher.

Vancouver, USA

P.S. If interested in Notepad+ http://www.mypeecee.org/rogsoft/

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