OLE unbound controls re-size



This is something that's been bugging me for years. I can't seem to
find anything on the topic so either I'm not Googling properly or I'm
the only person experiencing it!

I have unbound OLE controls on my forms. They are of the proper size
and appearance on my work PC however my home PC has an older monitor
that's currently set at 1024x768 32bit (I know UPGRADE - but WHY when
what you have still works!) and when I open a form in DESIGN MODE and
save it - something weird happens to the OLE controls. They re-size
and grow into bloated, Kirstie Alley-like versions of themselves. I
don't even have to go into design mode. All it takes is to save the
form from the VBA editor.

Then I go back to my work PC and open all of the forms with OLE
controls that have Hindenburg-ized (a term that Burger King considered
before settling on king-sizing). I open them in design mode and do
NOTHING except click save and ZOOOP! They shrink back down like
(insert your choice of pun here).

Anyone have any ideas? It seems to me that it MUST be my home PC as
I've run the database from LOTS of various computers and it's the only
one that causes this issue.


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