OLXP: No "permission to send the message on behalf of..." myself



While attempting to reply to a message from someone with whom I regularly
correspond via our corporate email system (Exchange 2000 with Outlook 2002
SP3 clients on Windows XP SP2 desktops), I received the error: "You do not
have the permission to send the message on behalf of the specified user." The
From field was showing in the (attempted) reply message--I never display that
by choice--and my own name was in the box. When I right-click on my name in
that field and choose Properties, I see that it is, indeed, my own Exchange
account. If I delete my name from the From field, I still get the error. From
that point on (three business days ago, now), I can't send messages at all
from Outlook on that machine. I'm fine on another machine, and even replied
to the email on which the problem started, all without issue. I have
attempted an Office Repair, as well as removing Outlook through Add/Remove
Programs, accompanied by reboots after each step in the process, and finally
a reinstall...to no avail. I'm an administrator on my own machine, if that
matters. I have no delegates set up in my mailbox, but I did try adding
myself as a delegate in order to then give myself permission to send on
behalf of myself...but I got a message to the effect that I cannot add myself
as a delegate to my own mailbox, so, clearly, the system recognizes me as me.
My company's help desk (of which I used to be a member) is at a loss, and the
ticket is currently buried in the Exchange Administrator's queue, although
the fact that it's a problem on only one machine would seem to indicate that
Exchange is fine, and Outlook is having a problem. Any ideas?


I'd suggest creating a new windows user account - it might be corrupted
somewhere for outlook. Logon as local admin (with a diffrent username than
the one creating the problem) on the specific machine and rename the user
profile (user.OLD for example). Then login as the user with the problem and
see if that helps...


Thanks, that's a good idea. It's very likely a corrupted profile, as you
suggest, since I've so far been unable to rename or delete the existing
profile, because User.dat and UsrClass.dat are "in use." That's after a cold
boot and logging in as Administrator. I'll keep trying. Thanks for the


Just to wrap things up, I was able to rename the old, bad profile by booting
on my secondary hard disk and then reaching back to the former primary to
rename the profile. When I switched the HDs back, I got a new Windows user
profile for my usual login, and Outlook lets me send messages without issue.
Another couple hours to copy over desktop files, settings, etc., and I'm well

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