OMG! Need help w/security issue



This one is truly bizarre folks!!

I have an Access '97 database using a workgroup file. I
have been added to that workgroup file, and granted "full
rights" to the database. Yet, when I attempt to open it in
Access 2002 (with the goal of converting to 2002), I
cannot open the database.

For that matter, neither can "Admin". Even when the OWNER
of all objects within the '97 version is set to me (or
Admin), the specified "owner" cannot gain access in 2002.

Now, when I open the database in '97, I get in just fine.
Now, here's the kicker:

When I go to TOOLS/SECURITY/PERMISSIONS, then look at the
owner of everything, the owner of the DATABASE object
is "<unknown>". All others can be set to whomever I wish,
but NOT the DB object.

My workaround:

I create a blank 2002 database, an IMPORT the old (97) one
into it. Everything comes over fine, and the database
object now has an "owner".

My question is:

Why did the database object have <unknown> for owner, and
how can I provide that data WITHOUT the clumsy workaround?

Thanks in advance!


Joan Wild

dennis said:
I have an Access '97 database using a workgroup file. I
have been added to that workgroup file, and granted "full
rights" to the database. Yet, when I attempt to open it in
Access 2002 (with the goal of converting to 2002), I
cannot open the database.

How are you opening it in 2002? The best approach is to use a shortcut.
The 2002 version can read the 97 version mdw, so you could use the following
in the target.
"path to 2002 msaccess.exe" "path to mdb" /wrkgrp "path to secure97.mdw"

Although this will work, it is advisable to unsecure the mdb in 97, convert
to 2002 and resecure it there.
For that matter, neither can "Admin". Even when the OWNER
of all objects within the '97 version is set to me (or
Admin), the specified "owner" cannot gain access in 2002.

But you say below that you can't change the owner of the database, so...
Now, when I open the database in '97, I get in just fine.
Now, here's the kicker:

When I go to TOOLS/SECURITY/PERMISSIONS, then look at the
owner of everything, the owner of the DATABASE object
is "<unknown>". All others can be set to whomever I wish,
but NOT the DB object.

That indicates that the username that created the database originally, does
not exist in the workgroup file you are using. It's possible they were
subsequently deleted from the workgroup, or that a different workgroup was
in use when the mdb was created.

Again, for a smooth conversion, I'd recommend you unsecure it in 97, then
convert and re-secure in 2002.


Okay, how does one UNSECURE a database in '97? I couldn't
find information on that.



The real issue to me, however, is HOW to get the <unknown>
off of various objects' owner within the permissions
dialog. Those items owner cannot be changed at all, by

I really need to be able to correct that issue.


Joan Wild

Dennis said:
Okay, how does one UNSECURE a database in '97? I couldn't
find information on that.

The steps are outlined in the security FAQ.

Open it in 97, logging in as a member of the Admins Group.
In Tools, security, permissions grant all permissions to every object to the
Users Group.
Close Access.
Join the standard system.mdw workgroup using Start, Run, wrkgadm.exe
Start Access (there should be no login prompt)
Create a new mdb and import all objects from your database.

It's now unsecure.

Joan Wild

Dennis said:
The real issue to me, however, is HOW to get the <unknown>
off of various objects' owner within the permissions
dialog. Those items owner cannot be changed at all, by

You cannot change the owner of the database object via the dialog, period.

The only way is to create a new mdb while logged in as the user you wish to
own the mdb, and import all objects (unfortunately the newly imported
objects will not come in with their permissions.) There are methods to
script out the permissions in the old and then reapply in the new, but
honestly since you're converting, you'll find it easier to unsecure, per my
other post.

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