omi9.dll missing



I am running Windows 98, and have Microsoft Office 97 and
it includes Outlook vers 8.5. For some reason, everytime
I try to start Outlook it gives me an error
message: "Cannot start Microsoft Outlook. A required
component is missing: OMI9.DLL. Please install Microsoft
Outlook again."

I have un-installed and re-installed Outlook and Office
many times...the result never changes. I have looked on
another computer with a similar set-up, no error message,
but I can't find omi9.dll on that machine either.

What's going on here? How do I fix this (and move on with
my life)?


I hadn't found this article....however, when I tried to
follow the steps, it said: "2. Navigate to the following
registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\
Office\8.0\Outlook\Setup" I was able to drill down to
Outlook, but there is no "Setup" under Outlook. What's
-----Original Message-----
Have you tried the steps in this article?;en- us;192263&Product=out98

Neo [MVP Outlook]
Due to the Swen virus, all e-mails sent to this account will be deleted
w/out reading.

I am running Windows 98, and have Microsoft Office 97 and
it includes Outlook vers 8.5. For some reason, everytime
I try to start Outlook it gives me an error
message: "Cannot start Microsoft Outlook. A required
component is missing: OMI9.DLL. Please install Microsoft
Outlook again."

I have un-installed and re-installed Outlook and Office
many times...the result never changes. I have looked on
another computer with a similar set-up, no error message,
but I can't find omi9.dll on that machine either.

What's going on here? How do I fix this (and move on with
my life)?


neo [mvp outlook]

hmm... very odd. If you haven't done this already, I would uninstall
Outlook 98, Office 97, and then run the eraser 97 tool to cleanup any office
ruminants. At this point you should be able to do a reinstall of Office
97/Outlook 98.;EN-US;158658 (take the
176823 link to get the eraser97 utility)

oh and fwiw, there still might be one registry key that you have to delete
concerning an old mail profile. The location in the registry is
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles.
There will be a folder under this location that you should export and
Neo [MVP Outlook]
Due to the Swen virus, all e-mails sent to this account will be deleted
w/out reading.

I hadn't found this article....however, when I tried to
follow the steps, it said: "2. Navigate to the following
registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\
Office\8.0\Outlook\Setup" I was able to drill down to
Outlook, but there is no "Setup" under Outlook. What's
-----Original Message-----
Have you tried the steps in this article?;en- us;192263&Product=out98

Neo [MVP Outlook]
Due to the Swen virus, all e-mails sent to this account will be deleted
w/out reading.

I am running Windows 98, and have Microsoft Office 97 and
it includes Outlook vers 8.5. For some reason, everytime
I try to start Outlook it gives me an error
message: "Cannot start Microsoft Outlook. A required
component is missing: OMI9.DLL. Please install Microsoft
Outlook again."

I have un-installed and re-installed Outlook and Office
many times...the result never changes. I have looked on
another computer with a similar set-up, no error message,
but I can't find omi9.dll on that machine either.

What's going on here? How do I fix this (and move on with
my life)?


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