Mac Townsend said:
several suggestions:
make certain that the document colorspace is set correctly for what you
want and that the images are in the proper colorspace for the document
make certain that you are printing to a PostScript 3 device (printing to
the distiller printer ON FILE -- so it does not make a PDF automatically)
should be fine for Acrobat 4 or above.
I did figure out the omitted bitmap problem...color jpegs had been converted
to greyscale using Publisher. I changed them in Photoshop to an actual
greyscale, and learned that the color on them must be set to "automatic" to
have them appear in my postscript file. This is a two-color job, and I had
the spot colors set correctly...evidently the "automatic" makes the greyscale
part of the black plate where "greyscale" does not.
As far as using the PS files themselves (downloading them to a hot folder on
our Agfa AccuSet1000), we get numerous postscript errors by downloading them
directly. Even printing the distilled PDF from a Mac directly to the
imagesetter gives us typographical weirdness (letters skipping or running
into each other).
So far our workaround has been to create a PDF from the PS file, export the
PDF into an EPS file, and place the EPS file in a Quark document. That'll
print correctly.
But boy, it seems to me it could be easier. Something in Publisher is not
creating the PS files correctly in the first place (even using the MS
Publisher Color Imagesetter driver, or whatever they call it.) Quark must be
writing its own header that works better than Publisher's.
Any thoughts?