omitting guideline from a selection



Is there a way to not include guidelines when making a group selection? What
I have been doing is tedious, I use area select on a group of shapes, which
often includes guidelines. I then have to remove each guideline separately,
which often leads to starting over again and this is frustrating. Any help is

Philippe C.

Why don't you use Philips good old battle proven subroutine. Just add an if
and a deselect ?

Sub LookInSelection()
' I think this Sub is a good can opener
' for learning Visio VBA
Dim sel As Visio.Selection
Dim shp As Visio.Shape
' only ActiveWindow has selection
For Each shp In ActiveWindow.Selection
MsgBox shp.ID & " " & shp.NameU
Debug.Print shp.ID & " " & shp.NameU
Next shp
End Sub

John Goldsmith

Hello Gregor,

Sounds like you have partial select turned on.

If this is what you intended then you can temporarily turn off Guides via
the View toolbar (see View / Toolbars / View) prior to making your

If you didn't intend this (ie you only want to select shapes that are
entirely surrounded by your marquee) then uncheck the 'Select shapes
partially within area' checkbox under Tools / Options / General.

Hope that helps.

Best regards


John Goldsmith

Philippe C.

Reading your question again, it looks more complicated with the grouping.
When I group a shape with a guide, the guide disappears.
What am I doing wrong ?

And the Select by Type does not help either, I suppose ?

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