ON 2007: Navigating notes in a single section


Tablet Convert

Is there any way to move up and down the note-tabs in a single section via a
click on a toolbar icon (or via a key-stroke) rather than clicking on each
note tab individually?

Often, when I have a series of tabs of similar subject matter in a single
section, would be much easier to move up or down the row of tabs until I see
the note I need to see...rather than searching out the particular one for
which am looking via the limited first few words of note-titel info that
appears in the tabs.

(couldn't seem to find any such existent toolbar icon!)


John Waller

Or put your mouse cursor anywhere in the page tab area (either over any of
the tabs or in the blank space below them), press the Ctrl key down (and
keep pressing it) then scroll your mousewheel to quickly cycle through the
pages in each section.

Tablet Convert

To Ben & John:

Thank you fellows! I luv when the answer is so simple and purely related to
my being totally unaware of such readily available simple functionality.

BOTH solutions work equally fine, i.e. either the scroll wheel OR the pg
up/down keys--w/ of course the contemporaneous pressing of what had been that
'missing component'--the CNTRL key.

Much appreciation for the tip.

One thing though I would like to ask re: this, re: similar ease whe using
the convertible tablet in slate mode.

With that being that there actually DO seem to be two toolbar icons that
would enable navigating from one page to the next via a touch of the pen or
mouse click: in Tools/Customize/All Commands, there ARE 'next page' and
'previous page' toolbar icons available for insert into a toolbar (horizontal
blue arrows, pointing left and right respectively). However, I can't seem to
insert them into a toolbar! Every time I select them (and get the equivalence
of the green-light plus sign that indicates properly selected) and move them
onto a toolbar (where likewise the plus sign replaces the X that had appeared
during the drag & drop 'trip', and in turn likewise indicates that one can
INDEED place such icon in such place)....well, after I release the left mouse
button after the 'drag'---these respective toolbar icons refuse to make
themselves present on the toolbar. They literally just fail to appear in the
place where I had just 'dropped' them. Are the only two icons I have not been
able to drag onto a toolbar (and I dustomize toolbars and icon sequences all
the time)!

Now then, both of your tips are fine and will indeed give me the specific
functionality for which I had been searching. Much appreciated and am
thrilled to ahve made this discovery w/ your aid. But of course, would have
been great to have such next/previous page icons on a toolbar as well
(specifically for slate mode). Any ideas WHY I can't seem to drag/drop only
these two specific toolbar icons onto a toolbar?

Thanks guys!

Rainald Taesler

John said:
Or put your mouse cursor anywhere in the page tab area (either over
any of the tabs or in the blank space below them), press the Ctrl
key down (and keep pressing it) then scroll your mousewheel to
quickly cycle through the pages in each section.

Any solution for pen usage on a TabletPC?


Rainald Taesler

Tablet said:
One thing though I would like to ask re: this, re: similar ease whe
using the convertible tablet in slate mode.

Yes, the tips don't work there.
As said in quite some postings during the Beta, IMHO OneNote is not
really TabletPC-ready.
Quite some things are missing which would urgently be needed.
With that being that there actually DO seem to be two toolbar icons
that would enable navigating from one page to the next via a touch
of the pen or mouse click: in Tools/Customize/All Commands, there
ARE 'next page' and 'previous page' toolbar icons available for
insert into a toolbar (horizontal blue arrows, pointing left and
right respectively). However, I can't seem to insert them into a
toolbar! Every time I select them (and get the equivalence of the
green-light plus sign that indicates properly selected) and move
them onto a toolbar (where likewise the plus sign replaces the X
that had appeared during the drag & drop 'trip', and in turn
likewise indicates that one can INDEED place such icon in such
place)....well, after I release the left mouse button after the
'drag'---these respective toolbar icons refuse to make themselves
present on the toolbar. They literally just fail to appear in the
place where I had just 'dropped' them. Are the only two icons I
have not been able to drag onto a toolbar (and I dustomize toolbars
and icon sequences all the time)!

I tried it two. And I also tried to place these icons in a menu.
It does not work at all.
Now then, both of your tips are fine and will indeed give me the
specific functionality for which I had been searching. Much
appreciated and am thrilled to have made this discovery w/ your
aid. But of course, would have been great to have such
next/previous page icons on a toolbar as well (specifically for
slate mode). Any ideas WHY I can't seem to drag/drop only these two
specific toolbar icons onto a toolbar?

To me it seems that there are no commands behind these two icons.
They do not appear in any of the menus and toolbars.
Could it be that they are just left-overs from the development planning
and never have been implemented in the product?


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