ON 2007 - Windows DesktopSearch

  • Thread starter Rainald Taesler
  • Start date

Rainald Taesler

I installed ON 2007 on my desktop and after having been told that it
would need the Windows DesktopSearch software, I download and
installed it. Everything is fine.

After over-installing ON 2007 over ON 2003 on my TabletPC (HP/COMPAQ
tc1100 running under XP SP2 TabletPC edition with *all* updates) I got
the same messagebox, clicked on the download link and installed the
When starting ON again, I got the error message that DesktopSearch was
not properly installed.

On investigating things I found out/remembered that by mistake I had
downloaded the English/US version (which was offered on the linked
page of the MS Website). Thought that possibly there might be a
conflict with my German version of XP. So uninstalled DesktopSearch,
downloaded the German version of the Beta and installed that.

The result was the same.
When starting ON, an error messagebox comes up telling me that
DesktopSearch was not properly installed.
Having repeated uninstall and re-install several times was not of

Unfortunately I did not set a breakpoint for XP's "System Restore"
prior to installing ON 2007, so I can not run a "rollback".

Has anybody got any idea on how I might cure the problem?


Grant Robertson

Has anybody got any idea on how I might cure the problem?

Yes, search back through previous posts for either WDS or Search and you
will find your answer. (hint: include my name)

Rainald Taesler

Grant Robertson said:
Yes, search back through previous posts for either WDS or Search
and you will find your answer. (hint: include my name)

Thanks, Grant.
Will do so.


Rainald Taesler

Grant Robertson said:
Yes, search back through previous posts for either WDS or Search
and you will find your answer. (hint: include my name)

Thanks again, Grant.
Read through almost half of the still available threads.
Will continue tomorrow.

As you seem to have solved your problem by installing WDS 2.0:
Where could I get that?

Contrary to you I do not have an image of machine (yes I know, I
*should* have cerate an image prior to experimenting but with Murphy's
assistance ...)


Patrick Schmid

Look for Windows Desktop Search on Microsoft's Downloads.
I'd suggest not trying to install WDS 2 unless you simply can't get WDS3
installed at all.

Patrick Schmid

Chris H.

You should post the issues to the OneNote newsgroup where the program is
supported, or if you're in the technical beta, report it with the bug
reporting system. The newsgroup is microsoft.public.onenote.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations - http://nicecreations.us/
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Grant Robertson

As you seem to have solved your problem by installing WDS 2.0:
Where could I get that?

Oh, no! Either I wrote wrong, or you read wrong. I know that I thought I
had solved it a couple of times but my last posts should have cleared it
up. Read the post where I list the four things that need to be set to get
ON 07 to actually recognize the WDS 3.0 beta install.

I do know that I finally figured out that installing WDS 2.whatever is
probably what hosed up my computer and caused my problems with the
cidaemon.exe program that shouldn't have been there to begin with.

Since I can't go back and delete my previous messages where I THOUGHT I
had found the solution I will repeat here for anyone searching on this


Instead, follow the instructions below. They especially apply if you
installed WDS 3.0, it said it installed correctly, but ON 07 beta still
claims that WDS isn't installed. I do not know if these steps will help
with the access denied error because I never got that error.

OK, here is the text of the message I am referring to:

....there are at least 4 different things that I know of that need to
be in place for indexing to work correctly.

First, you need to set the following services to either Manual or
Indexing Service
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
(This is required by Terminal Services.
If this doesn't show up in the list try installing the
Client for Microsoft Networks networking client. I don't have
that installed and RPC is still in my services list but I have
seen documentation that says the RPC service is only installed
when the Client for Microsoft Networks is installed.)
Terminal Services
(This is required by Windows Desktop Search.)
Help and Support
(I enabled it just for good measure. I don't know if this really
affects indexing or not.)

The Windows Desktop Search service won't be installed till you install
the WDS software

Second, you need to go to { Control Panel ; Add or Remove Programs ;
Add/Remove Windows Components } and make sure Indexing Service is
checked. You would think that if this isn't checked then the Indexing
Service wouldn't even be in the list of services but that is not the
case. I can't figure out if this is a case of Microsoft's left foot not
knowing what the right hand is doing or if it is another case of SMD
(Standard Microsoft Deception) Regardless, it has to be checked here.

Third, open the properties dialog for the drive on which the notebooks
will reside and make sure [x] Allow Indexing Service to index this disk
.... is checked.

{All of the above are set by default but some people (like me) turn them
off to increase performance. I am not positive that all of these things
are absolutely required but it didn't work for me till I went through and
set them all. I am not motivated to go through and determine exactly
which ones I can turn back off. I suspect they are all needed.}

Reboot your PC then, finally, uninstall and reinstall the WDS 3.0 beta.

You may also have the same issues you had with registry entries. I didn't
have those problems so I don't know whether these settings will affect
those registry entries.

Rainald Taesler

Chris H. said:
You should post the issues to the OneNote newsgroup where the
program is supported, or if you're in the technical beta, report
it with the bug reporting system. The newsgroup is

Thanks for the reply.
I actually posted this in the OneNote NG and only X-posted it to here
(thought someone in my present main NG might have a solution) and set
a F'p2 to here.
Unfortunately I forgot to mention X-posting and F'up2.

P.S. According to the replies and other therads in the ON NG it seems
to be a rather serious thing .... [siiiigh]

Fup2 set to microsoft.public.onenote


1. I solved my reinstallation and searching woes by first backing up:
c. Windows registry
d. Setting a new restore point
2. Opening the windows registry with regedit. I then did a "find" of
the word OneNote and deleted any entry containing the word.
3. Rebooted
4. Downloaded another copy of the ON 12 from Microsoft
5. Reinstalled ON12.
6. Opened up OneNote and let it index overnight.

Everything is back to normal. I am a happy camper.

Rainald Taesler

Look for Windows Desktop Search on Microsoft's Downloads.
I'd suggest not trying to install WDS 2 unless you simply can't
get WDS3 installed at all.
Thanks for the warning.
*MY* problem - contrary to the others - that WDS 3 installs witout any
ON, however, on each and any start brings up the error-message that
WDS 3 was not properly installed (different from the previous msgbox
which is popping up when WDS is not installed at all)


Rainald Taesler

Grant Robertson <[email protected]> shared these words of wisdom:

Thanks for the warning!!!
Seems that I had posted too early because I later detected that
installing and uninstalling WDS 2 did not solve the problems.

Will carefully go through your GREAT instructions this evening and
read through the rest of the threads.
I'll report back.

Thanks a million

Grant Robertson

*MY* problem - contrary to the others - that WDS 3 installs witout any
ON, however, on each and any start brings up the error-message that
WDS 3 was not properly installed (different from the previous msgbox
which is popping up when WDS is not installed at all)

Your problem is the EXACT problem I had when I first installed ON 07. I
think only those people who tweak their systems to get rid of extraneous
junk that is bogging down the CPU end up with this problem. I had
previously turned off Indexing Services everywhere I could find it
because I didn't use it. Then I had to remember all the places I had
turned it off so I could turn it back on again.

Now that Microsoft has some serious competition again in the form of
Google, they have naturally found some way to force users to install
Microsoft's search tool rather than Google's. It's typical Microsoft.
I've gotten used to it. I'm even willing to accept it in order to be able
to search through all the documents I have inserted into OneNote as a
printout. However, that does not mean that I have to like it or that it
is playing fair. It is anti-competitive behaviour plain and simple. They
could have easily just incorporated this feature directly into OneNote
and not required us to install an entire separate application that tries
to take over all the searching we will ever do anywhere.

Rainald Taesler

Grant Robertson said:
Your problem is the EXACT problem I had when I first installed
ON 07.

Did you also have the Msgbox "The Microsoft Windows Desktop Search
system-component has not been properly installed.
Only if this component of Windows is properly installed, OneNote can
support fast result of a search"
(my translation)
I think only those people who tweak their systems to get
rid of extraneous junk that is bogging down the CPU end up with
this problem.

I did not tweak anything (except different places for storing data,
f.e. the whole of "My Documents" etc. on a separate partition; but
this cannot have to do with the problem in question.
I had previously turned off Indexing Services
everywhere I could find it because I didn't use it.

Had done so on my previous machines but not on the TabletPC in
question. Simply did not yet have the time for any "fine-tuning" <bg>.
"My documents" and all of the subdirectories have Indexing Services
and enabled and I included that in the Indexing Services applet
(Control Panel).
Then I had to remember all the places I had turned
it off so I could turn it back on again.

Now that Microsoft has some serious competition again in the
form of Google, they have naturally found some way to force
users to install Microsoft's search tool rather than Google's.
It's typical Microsoft.

100% d'accord.
But I'm not so sure about Google Desktop search.
I had immediately installed it when it first appeared. And mailed
around in the faculty.
But then I received quite some critical comments by colleagues and
assistants and other and some references to articles which a critical
approach. So I got rid of it again.
I've gotten used to it.

Hard to get used to it.
Too many good things they have killed by this kind of policies ...
I'm even willing
to accept it in order to be able to search through all the
documents I have inserted into OneNote as a printout. However,
that does not mean that I have to like it or that it is playing

Same on my side.
It is anti-competitive behaviour plain and simple. They
could have easily just incorporated this feature directly into
OneNote and not required us to install an entire separate
application that tries to take over all the searching we will
ever do anywhere.

Again: 100% d'accord.

Thanks for sharing your well reflected thoughts


Rainald Taesler

Thanks Gary.
Did this solve the WDS-related problems too?
Or was is just OneNoet problems?


Rainald Taesler

I followed this recipe.
Killed all Registry entries for OneNote.
Then re-installed (ON first, then WDS German).
It's still the same.


Rainald Taesler

Instead, follow the instructions below. They especially apply if you
installed WDS 3.0, it said it installed correctly, but ON 07 beta
claims that WDS isn't installed.

I followed your recipe exactly step by step.
After uninstalling both, WDS and ON, I did even remove all Registry
entries fro OneNote.
Then installed ON and then WDS.
The situation is unchanged. I still get the msgbox with
"The Microsoft Windows Desktop Search
system-component has not been properly installed.
Only if this component of Windows is properly installed, OneNote can
support fast result of a search"
(my translation)

Any other ideas on how to cure the problem?

As said before, unfortunately I did not make an image of the system
prior to installing ON 2007.

As I can not afford to make a fresh OS install from scratch, I'm
feeling desperate :-( :-(


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