On Enter


Brent E

Good Morning,

I know how to set up, animations, slide transitions, etc. based on clicks,
timings, etc; however, is there a hyperlink or animation setting that allows
us to set which slide a user will see if they press the Enter Key instead of
clicking from a slide besides end slide?


David Marcovitz

There are a couple of things you can do:

(1) You can hide slides. If you want Enter to skip a slide, just hide
it. You can still set a button to hyperlink to that slide. Note that if
you are on a hidden slide, Enter will go to the next slide regardless of
whether it is hidden. If you are on a slide that is not hidden, Enter
will go to the next unhidden slide.

(2) You can set up a custom show. Once you are in the custom show, the
order you set up for the show will determine the order the slides are
viewed when Enter is hit. You can either hyperlink to the custom show,
or set the show (in Set Up Show) to only show the custom show.


Brent E

Thanks Dave.

David Marcovitz said:
There are a couple of things you can do:

(1) You can hide slides. If you want Enter to skip a slide, just hide
it. You can still set a button to hyperlink to that slide. Note that if
you are on a hidden slide, Enter will go to the next slide regardless of
whether it is hidden. If you are on a slide that is not hidden, Enter
will go to the next unhidden slide.

(2) You can set up a custom show. Once you are in the custom show, the
order you set up for the show will determine the order the slides are
viewed when Enter is hit. You can either hyperlink to the custom show,
or set the show (in Set Up Show) to only show the custom show.


David Marcovitz
Microsoft PowerPoint MVP
Author of _Powerful PowerPoint for Educators_

Brent E

Yes, I am using hidden slides. I have a rectangle object that is set to no
fill and no border but in front covering the whole slide so that if clicked,
will link a user back to the main index slide. This works well if a user use
a mouse to click, but if the user is in a hidden slide and presses enter, by
default they are advanced to the next hidden slide rather than returning to
the index. This is what I am hoping to prevent. At this time I don't know a
resolution other than to possibly link to an external presentation for each
section in the training index; however if opened from a web location, this
forces a dialogue box prompt for each section asking the user whether they
want to open, save or cancel the file. If there is a way to use VBP to
override the prompt, that may be a solution. But I don't know of such code.

This may be a functionality that doens't exist in Power Point in the latest
rendition, but may be a good development suggestion for Microsoft to include
in future upgrades.

Thanks again for the good info. I will need to come up to speed more on the
custom show idea.

David Marcovitz

What about Kiosk mode. This will prevent the students from hitting Enter
to advance at all. This means that you need to make sure that there are
buttons and hyperlinks for all navigation.

There might be VBA solutions, but you mentioned that you want this to
work on the Web and VBA won't work on the Web.


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