scott w t
in Access 2000, an On Error Resume Next statement fails, by which i mean that
it has no effect ; to test the failure explicitely, i followed the On Error
statement with a line of code that would produce a divide by zero error ; the
code stops at that line as if no error handling had been set ; i have seen
something similar to this before, in that after an ADO error (an error that
is listed in the ADO Connection Errors collection), it is not possible to
reset the error handler in the procedure in which the error occured (in other
words, On Error statements have no effect after an ADO error) ; that is
clearly not the case here because no ADO errors have occured and the ADO
Connection Errors collection is empty ; having written literally 100s of
thousands of lines of VBA code over well more than a decade, i've never seen
this before ; i've recompiled and Compressed and Repaired and rebuilt the
code module, all with no effect ; anyone out there have a clue ?
it has no effect ; to test the failure explicitely, i followed the On Error
statement with a line of code that would produce a divide by zero error ; the
code stops at that line as if no error handling had been set ; i have seen
something similar to this before, in that after an ADO error (an error that
is listed in the ADO Connection Errors collection), it is not possible to
reset the error handler in the procedure in which the error occured (in other
words, On Error statements have no effect after an ADO error) ; that is
clearly not the case here because no ADO errors have occured and the ADO
Connection Errors collection is empty ; having written literally 100s of
thousands of lines of VBA code over well more than a decade, i've never seen
this before ; i've recompiled and Compressed and Repaired and rebuilt the
code module, all with no effect ; anyone out there have a clue ?