Pat N.
I've been having multiple difficulties getting my web
site to re-publish after making some changes to a couple
pages. I could log in OK, and it would begin to transfer
files and then get hung up and stop after only a few.
I've taken all of the suggestions offered here (thanks to
everyone who responded) and nothing worked . . . my host
kept insisting that the problem was NOT with the server
because they could publish to my site just fine. As a
last resort I opened a free account at Tripod.com,
enabled FP extensions and tried to publish there (the
same FP web only with fewer pages) . . . bingo, it
worked! My question, then, before I find another host
is -- could this possibly be anything OTHER than a server
problem? Thanks again.
site to re-publish after making some changes to a couple
pages. I could log in OK, and it would begin to transfer
files and then get hung up and stop after only a few.
I've taken all of the suggestions offered here (thanks to
everyone who responded) and nothing worked . . . my host
kept insisting that the problem was NOT with the server
because they could publish to my site just fine. As a
last resort I opened a free account at Tripod.com,
enabled FP extensions and tried to publish there (the
same FP web only with fewer pages) . . . bingo, it
worked! My question, then, before I find another host
is -- could this possibly be anything OTHER than a server
problem? Thanks again.