We have a number of website that have asp forms. All write to databases.
They have been working for the last year no problems.
All of a sudden "non" of the website will not write to thier database. When
you going into the forms you get this
Server error: Unable to retrieve the list of record sources from a database
using the connection string:
DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=URL=fpdb/test1.mdb.
The following error message comes from the database driver software; it may
appear in a different language depending on how the driver is configured.
I have googled this and get lots of different answers. Is there a standard
I have set up a 1 box form to test this and this is not writing the it's
We "really" need to on-line forms to work - any help would be really useful
Thank you
We have a number of website that have asp forms. All write to databases.
They have been working for the last year no problems.
All of a sudden "non" of the website will not write to thier database. When
you going into the forms you get this
Server error: Unable to retrieve the list of record sources from a database
using the connection string:
DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=URL=fpdb/test1.mdb.
The following error message comes from the database driver software; it may
appear in a different language depending on how the driver is configured.
I have googled this and get lots of different answers. Is there a standard
I have set up a 1 box form to test this and this is not writing the it's
We "really" need to on-line forms to work - any help would be really useful
Thank you